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  • How do I qualify for ECO4 Funding | ECO Simplified Limit

    Чӣ гуна ман метавонам барои маблағгузории ECO3 мувофиқат кунам? Ду роҳи ба даст овардани маблағгузории ECO3 вуҷуд дорад. ​ Фоидаҳо LA Flex ​ Агар шумо имтиёзи тахассусӣ гиред, мо инро барои дастрасӣ ба маблағгузорӣ барои гармкунӣ ва/ё изолятсия истифода мебарем. Барои онҳое, ки имтиёзи тахассусӣ надоранд, мо метавонем меъёрҳои мутобиқати чандирии мақомоти маҳаллии худро (LA Flex) тафтиш кунем, то бубинем, ки оё шумо метавонед тавассути ин масир ба маблағгузорӣ дастрасӣ пайдо кунед. Агар шумо тавассути LA Flex мувофиқат кунед, мо ба шумо занг мезанем, то қадамҳои минбаъда чист. Фоидаҳо Агар шумо ё касе, ки дар хонаи шумо зиндагӣ мекунад, яке аз инҳоро гирад, шумо метавонед барои маблағгузории ECO3 мувофиқат кунед: Имтиёзҳои идорашавандаи DWP; Қарзҳои андоз Кӯмакпулӣ оид ба дастгирии шуғли аҳолӣ Кӯмакпулӣ барои корҷӯён дар асоси даромад Дастгирии даромад Кредити нафақа Кредити универсалӣ Ёрдампулӣ барои зиндагии маъюбон Пардохти истиқлолияти шахсӣ Пардохти ҳузур Нафақаи нигоҳубин Нафақаи вазнини маъюбӣ Фоидаҳои маъюбӣ дар осеби осеби саноатӣ ​ Манфиатҳои Вазорати адлия; ​ Пардохти ҳаракати нафақаҳои ҷангӣ, кӯмакпулии давомдор Пардохти мустақили Қувваҳои Мусаллаҳ ​ Дигар: ​ Имтиёзи кӯдак; ҳадди ниҳоии тахассусӣ вуҷуд дорад: ​ Даъвогари ягона (Кӯдакони то 18 сола) ​ 1 Кӯдак - 18 500 фунт 2 кӯдак - 23,000 фунт 3 кӯдак - 27,500 фунт 4+ Кӯдакон £ 32,000 ​ Зиндагӣ дар як ҷуфт (Кӯдакони то 18 сола) ​ 1 Кӯдак - 25 500 фунт 2 кӯдак - 30,000 фунт 3 кӯдак - £ 34,500 4+ Кӯдакон 39,000 фунт LA FLEX Шумо метавонед дар доираи LA Flex ду роҳро соҳиб шавед. Даромади хонаводаи шумо аз маблағи муқарраршуда камтар аст (ин дар байни мақомоти маҳаллӣ фарқ мекунад) ва амволи шумо дар EPC охирин E, F ё G баҳо дода шудааст . Агар шумо EPC надошта бошед, вуҷуд дорад саволҳое, ки шумо бояд ҷавоб диҳед, то бифаҳмед, ки оё шумо мувофиқат мекунед. Роҳи дигар ин аст, ки агар шумо ё касе дар хонаводаи шумо вазъи саломатии дарозмуддат дошта бошед ё аз сабаби синну сол ё шароит ба хунукӣ осебпазир тасниф шуда бошед. ​​ Шароити саломатӣ: ​ Ҳолати дилу раг Ҳолати нафаскашӣ Ҳолати неврологӣ Ҳолати солимии равонӣ Норасоии ҷисмонӣ, ки ба қобилияти шумо барои иҷрои корҳои муқаррарии ҳаррӯза таъсири субстстистӣ ё дарозмуддат дорад Бемории терминалӣ Системаи масуниятро суст мекунад ​ Аз сабаби синну сол ё шароит ба хунукӣ осебпазир аст ​ Синну соли ҳадди аққал метавонад фарқ кунад, аммо одатан аз 65 боло аст Ҳомиладорӣ Кӯдакони вобастаи то 5 -сола дошта бошед ​ Муҳим: Ҳар як Мақомоти маҳаллӣ метавонад қоидаҳои гуногунро дар бораи мувофиқат дошта бошад; махсусан дар атрофи он чизе, ки 'Даромади кам' ҳисобида мешавад. Пас аз гирифтани варақаи мутобиқати шумо, мо меъёрҳои тахассусиро месанҷем ва инро дар занги пайгирии худ муҳокима хоҳем кард. ​ ​ Барои маблағгузорӣ муроҷиат кунед

  • What can be installed with ECO4 scheme | ECO Simplified Limit

    Дар доираи нақшаи ECO3 ман чӣ метавонам насб кунам? Мо ивазкунии гармидиҳӣ, такмилдиҳии гармидиҳӣ ва изолятсияро номбар кардем, ки шумо метавонед онҳоро дар асоси схемаи ECO3 насб кунед. ​ Шумо метавонед дар баробари гармидиҳӣ изолятсия насб кунед ва аз ин рӯ, вақте ки мо бо шумо тамос мегирем, мо ба шумо тасвири пурраи он чизеро медиҳем, ки ба фикри шумо шумо метавонистед насб кунед. Вақте ки шумо пурсишро анҷом додед, ин бо шумо тасдиқ карда мешавад. Insulation available under the ECO4 scheme Measure Type Homeowner Private Tenant Social Housing Tenant Cavity Wall Insulation Yes Yes - If installed alongside First Time Central Heating or Renewable Heating Yes External Wall Insulation Yes Yes Yes Flat Roof Insulation Yes Yes Yes Internal Wall Insulation Yes Yes Yes Loft Insulation Yes Yes - If installed alongside First Time Central Heating or Renewable Heating Yes Room in Roof Insulation Yes Yes - If installed alongside First Time Central Heating or Renewable Heating Yes Underfloor Insulation Yes Yes Yes Heating upgrades available under the ECO4 scheme Measure Type Homeowner Private Tenant Social Housing Tenant Air Source Heat Pump Yes Yes Yes Electric Storage Heater & Solar PV Yes Yes Yes Electric Storage Heater Upgrade Yes No No First Time Central Heating (Gas) Yes Yes Yes First Time Central Heating (Air Source Heat Pump) Yes Yes Yes Non- Condensing Gas Boiler Upgrade Yes No No Solar PV Yes Yes Yes Apply for Funding

  • Flat Roof Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    Flat Roof Insulation A fl at roof is any roof space in your home with a pitch of less than 10 degrees. They are very easy to spot and as they don't usually have a loft space, they wont have a loft hatch. ​ F lat roofs being added to properties were popular in properties built between the 1950's - 1970's and if your flat roof is from this period, it is extremely unlikely to be insulated and if it is, it wont be up to todays standards. If your flat roof is uninsulated, it will mean that in winter, warm air will easily escape from any heated rooms through the flat roof, leaving the room cold and uninviting. ​ If you have recently had the membrane replaced if for example you had a leak, then it is unlikely that insulation was added, unless you specifically asked for it. ​ There are 2 ways to insulate your flat roof: ​ Warm Roof: ​ This involves adding rigid insulation board on to the roof from the outside and then coving with a waterproof membrane. This is the best way to insulate a flat roof as there are no condensation issues to contend with. Cold Roof: ​ This is the most common way that most households have their flat roofs insulated. It involves placing the insulation material between the joists spaces the support the roof. This can only be added if there is a gap of at least 50mm between the roof and the insulation to allow for air flow. ​ If you have very shallow joists then this is not recommended. As most heat is lost through uninsulated roof spaces, if you do have your flat roof insulated you can expect similar savings to insulating your loft depending on how much of your property the flat roof covers. ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. Apply for Funding

  • Underfloor Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    Underfloor Insulation When thinking of areas in your home that need insulation, under the floor is not usually the first on the list. However homes with crawl spaces under the downstairs floor can benefit from underfloor insulation. ​ If you live in an older property you may have suspended timber floors. If you experience cold air coming through the floorboards, underfloor insulation will help to keep the property warm in the winter by preventing heat loss, plus it will also help to keep it cool in the warmer months. Underfloor insulation eliminates drafts that may enter via the gaps between the floorboards and ground, making you feel warmer. ​ It is important to NEVER block up air bricks in your wall. They are needed to help ventilate the space under your floor and to stop your floor board rotting. ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ Can save between £50 -£130 a year on your fuel bills depending on property size (Figures from the Energy Saving Trust and assume property is a gas heated home and sized between a Mid-terrace house to a detached home ). Will need to lift the floor boards to fit the insulation. Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply for Funding

  • Loft Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    Loft Insulation Heat from your house rises resulting in about quarter of the heat generated being lost through the roof of an un-insulated home. Insulating the roof space of your home is the simplest, most cost-effective way of saving energy and reducing your heating bills. Insulation should be applied to the loft area to a depth of at least 270mm, both between the joists and above as the joists themselves create a "heat bridge" and transfer heat to the air above. With modern insulating techniques and materials, it's still possible to use the space for storage or as a habitable space with the use of insulated floor panels. ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ Can save between £500-£690 a year on your fuel bills depending on property size (Figures from the Energy Saving Trust and assume property is a gas heated home and sized between a Mid-terrace house to a detached home). Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply for Funding

  • Awards | ECO Simplified Limit

    ECO Simplified Shortlisted for StartUp Awards National Series Sunderland-based Eco Simplified has been named one of the most exciting new businesses in the region after being shortlisted as part of a brand-new awards programme. The StartUp Awards National Series has been launched to recognise the booming startup scene across the UK which has accelerated since the pandemic began. In 2020, when most of the world was shutting down, more than 400,000 start-ups were set up in Britain, with similar increases seen in other European countries. There was stiff competition with over 2,500 applications received in response to the Startup Awards National Series’ first-ever call for entries. James Aspey, Director of Eco Simplified said: It is a privilege to work in an industry where every day we can make a difference to people living in fuel poverty, whilst making a positive difference to the environment. Big thank you to the team at Eco Simplified, I am so proud of you all. Supported nationally by BT, EY, Dell & Intel, the programme will celebrate the achievements of the amazing individuals across the UK who have turned an idea into an opportunity and taken the risk to launch a new product or service. Co-founded by the team behind the Great British Entrepreneur Awards, the new series follows the success of the Wales StartUp Awards, after organisers recognised the exceptional potential in the startup scene across the other British regions. Professor Dylan Jones-Evans OBE, the creator of the StartUp Awards National Series, said: “​​New firms are important for generating economic prosperity, employment opportunities and innovation. Since 2016, the Wales StartUp Awards have celebrated this amazing annual contribution to our economy by entrepreneurs and the impact they have on communities across the nation. “Given the sheer volume of phenomenal start-ups we’ve heard from since then, as well as the huge post-pandemic shift in people’s desires to take their career in a new direction and set up a business against the odds, we felt it was the right time to take the programme nationwide. We have been blown away by the standard of entries in this first year and truly look forward to crowning the winners in June.”

  • Cavity Wall Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    Cavity Wall Insulation About 35% of all heat loss from UK homes is due to un-insulated external walls. If your home was built after the 1930s, the chances are that its external walls are made of two ‘skins’ with a small gap between them. This means they are ‘cavity walls’ and the gap between them can be filled with insulating material to stop the warmth escaping to the outside. ​ A cavity wall can be filled with an insulating material by injecting beads into the wall. This restricts any warmth passing through the wall, reducing the money you spend on heating. ​ You can check your wall type by looking at your brick pattern. If the bricks have an even pattern and are laid lengthways, then the wall is likely to have a cavity. If some of the bricks are laid with the square end facing, the wall is likely to be solid. If the wall is stone, it is likely to be solid. ​ If your home was built within the last 25 years it is likely to been already insulated or possibly partially insulated. The surveyor can check this with a borescope inspection. Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ Can save between £145-£480 a year on your fuel bills depending on property size (Figures from the Energy Saving Trust and assume property is a gas heated home and sized between a flat to a detached home). Walls are normally drilled and then filled from the outside, which minimises disruption and mess. Can be completed in a few hours. Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply for Funding

  • Smart Heating Controls | ECO Simplified Limit

    Smart Heating Controls Smart heating controls allow you to control your heating from your mobile phone or tablet via an app. Obviously for these to work, you do need an active internet connection. ​ They allow you to have greater control over your home heating by giving you access while you are on the move, so that if you are out, you can always return to a nice warm home. ​ There are several different products available, with varying levels of features available. ​ Within the ECO4 scheme there are several products that can be installed; from smart controls to Time and Temperature zone controls that allow for a minimum of 2 heating zones in your property so that instead of heating your whole house, you could turn the heating off in a zone your are not currently in. This is usually set to upstairs and downstairs but it is also possible to have multiple zones, through additional smart TRV's being added. ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. Apply for Funding

  • First Time Central Heating | ECO Simplified Limit

    First Time Central Heating If you currently live in a property that does not have a central heating system, you will be paying more to heat your home than a property with a central heating system. ​ Below are some examples of properties that would be considered to have no central heating system present. ​ Electric room heaters, including direct acting room heaters, fan heaters and inefficient electric storage heaters Gas room heaters Gas fire with back boiler Solid fossil fuel fire with back boiler Direct electric underfloor or ceiling heating (not connected to an electric boiler) Bottled LPG room heating Solid fossil fuel room heaters Wood/biomass room heating Oil room heater No heating at all ​ With the push towards renewable heating, it may become more difficult in the future to have a gas supply fitted at your property. It is certainly the case with heating grants as if you want gas central heating, you must live in a property that has an existing gas supply and meter that has never had central heating installed. ​ ​ The following may be installed as FTCH: ​ Gas Boiler ​Biomass Boiler​ Air Source Heat Pump Ground Source Heat Pump ​ ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ The exact savings depend on what the pre-main heating system was and what has now been installed. This makes it difficult to give a fair bill saving. All properties must have loft or room in roof insulation and cavity or solid wall insulation (if able to be installed) either already present or installed before Gas First Time Central Heating is completed to access ECO4 funding for First Time Central Heating. Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. Apply for Funding

  • ECO4 Scheme | ECO Simplified Limit

    Нақшаи ECO3 Нақшаи ЭКО бо мақсади кумак ба хонаводаҳои осебпазир бо даромади камтарин барои беҳтар кардани самаранокии энергия ва кам кардани ҳисобҳои энержии онҳо таҳия шудааст. ​ Маблағгузорӣ барои нақша мустақиман аз ҳисоби хароҷоти энергетикии ҳама дар шакли Андози сабз меояд. Дар доираи ЭКО, таъминкунандагони миёна ва калони энергия бояд насби чораҳои самаранокии энергияро дар хонаводаҳои Бритониё (Англия, Шотландия ва Уэлс) маблағгузорӣ кунанд. ​ Ҳар як таъминкунандаи ҳатмӣ ҳадафи умумӣ дорад, ки ба ҳиссаи он дар бозори дохилии энергия асос ёфтааст. ​ Дар моҳи октябри 2018 Ҳукумат версияи охирини схемаи ЭКО 'ЭКО3' -ро оғоз кард ва ҳоло он манфиатҳои боз ҳам бештарро дар бар мегирад - яъне шумораи бештари одамон аз ҳарвақта ба талабот мувофиқат карда метавонанд. ​ Нақшаи ӯҳдадории ширкати энергетикӣ (ЭКО) як нақшаи ҳукумат аст, ки аз ҷониби OFGEM идора карда мешавад. ​ Грантҳои дастрас метавонанд хароҷотро пӯшонанд ё ба намудҳои гармидиҳӣ ва/ё изолятсия дар хонаҳо дар саросари Англия, Уэлс ва Шотландия кумак кунанд. Услуб ва намуди амволи шумо, ки шумо дар он зиндагӣ мекунед, барои ҳисоб кардани маблағи маблағе, ки шумо тавассути ЭКО мегиред, инчунин сӯзишворӣ, ки хонаро гарм мекунад, истифода мешавад. ​ Ҳаҷми маблағгузорӣ пешакӣ муайян карда шудааст ва агар ин хароҷоти насби интихобкардаи шуморо пурра пӯшонад, аз шумо хоҳиш карда мешавад, ки дар ин кор саҳм гузоред. Барои маблағгузорӣ муроҷиат кунед

  • ECO4 Scheme, Free Gas Boiler Upgrade & Insulation Grants | ECO Simplified

    Home: Welcome Warmer Home with the ECO4 Schem e Free Gas Boiler upgrade, First Time Central Heating, Air Source Heat Pump, Solar PV & Insulation available. Click Apply Now to find out if your qualify! Apply Now Home: Services You are eligible for the ECO4 scheme if you or someone in your home claim qualifying ECO4 Benefit? ​ You can qualify if you rent or own your property (some restrictions apply).​ ​ If you do not claim a qualifying benefit, then you may still qualify if your household income is less than £31,000 or if you or someone in your home suffers from an eligible medical condition. (LA Flex). ​ Just complete our quick and easy application form and we will check if you are eligible. Apply Now The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) is a government energy efficiency scheme that covers England, Scotland & Wales to help reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty. ​ The scheme began in April 2013, and over time it has been amended. The ECO3 scheme closed on 31 March 2022. The latest policy, ECO4, applies to measures completed from 1 April 2022 and will cover a four year period until 31 March 2026. ECO4 Qualifying Benefits: ​ Income based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) Income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Income Support (IS) Pension Credit Guaranteed Credit (PCGC) Pension Credit Savings Credit (PCSC) Working Tax Credit (WTC) Child Tax Credit (CTC) Universal Credit (UC) Housing Benefit Child Benefit (Subject to income - please see below) ​ Single Claimant: Qualifying Maximum Household Income: 1 Child (up to age 18) - £19,900 2 Children (up to age 18) - £24,800 3 Children (up to age 18) - £29,600 4 Children (up to age 18) - £34,500 Member of Couple: Qualifying Maximum Household Income: ​ 1 Child (up to age 18) - £27,500 2 Children (up to age 18) - £32,300 3 Children (up to age 18) - £37,200 4 Children (up to age 18) - £42,000 Heating upgrades available FREE with the ECO4 scheme To learn more about the potential upgrade please click the link below or if you want to go ahead and apply please click 'Apply Now'. ​ Please note: Gas boiler upgrades are only available to customers who own their property. Gas boiler first time central heating can only be installed in properties that have never had a wet central heating system. To have either a gas boiler upgrade or first time central heating your property must have had a gas meter fitted prior to the 1st April 2022 and it must also be present immediately prior to install. Solar PV can only be installed along with an Air source heat pump, Electric storage heaters or in properties where these have already been installed. If you own your home and have old Electric storage heaters you may qualify for new High heat retention Electric storage heaters. If your home has a cavity wall or any roof insulation that is not insulated this will also need to be installed FREE as part of the project. ​ We will assess your property and if there is any additional insulation needed, it will be discussed with you and will be FREE if you qualify through the ECO4 scheme. Gas Boiler Upgrade Learn More Apply Now Gas First Time Central Heating Learn more Apply Now Air Source Heat Pump Learn More Apply Now Electric Storage Heater Upgrade Learn More Apply Now Solar PV Learn More Apply Now Smart Heating Controls Learn More Apply Now Insulation available FREE with the ECO4 scheme To learn more about the Insulation that is available FREE on the ECO4 scheme, please click the link below or if you want to go ahead and apply please click 'Apply Now'. ​ Cavity Wall Insulation Learn More Apply Now Internal Wall Insulation Learn More Apply Now External Wall Insulation Learn More Apply Now Room in Roof Insulation Learn More Apply Now Flat Roof Insulation Learn More Apply Now Loft Insulation Learn More Apply Now Underfloor Insulation Learn More Apply Now Пас аз дархост барои маблағгузорӣ чӣ мешавад? Раванди дархост барои маблағгузории ECO3 содда аст. Бо зеркунии 'ҳозир муроҷиат кардан' ва пур кардани варақаи мо мо метавонем қобилияти мувофиқатонро тафтиш кунем ва тадқиқот ва насбро ташкил кунем. Мо ба шумо занг мезанем ва тафсилоти ба мо додаатонро тасдиқ мекунем ва шумо то ҳол мехоҳед идома диҳед. ​ Мо бо шумо муҳокима хоҳем кард, ки дар амволи шумо чӣ насб кардан мумкин аст ва пурсишеро банд кунед, ки дар вақти муносиб барои шумо анҷом дода шавад. РОЙГОН Дар амволи шумо тадқиқоти ӯҳдадорӣ анҷом дода намешавад. ​ Пас аз он ширкати насбкунӣ бо шумо тасдиқ мекунад, ки чиро насб кардан мумкин аст ва оё барои пӯшонидани ҳама корҳои иловагие, ки шумо бояд саҳм гузоред. ​ Шумо метавонед дар вақти дилхоҳ пеш аз насб, ки РОЙГОН сурат мегирад, бекор кунед. Барои маблағгузорӣ муроҷиат кунед Санаи анҷоми кор мувофиқа карда мешавад ва барои имзо кардани он баъзе ҳуҷҷатҳо мавҷуданд. ​ Ҳама корҳо аз ҷониби одамони соҳибихтисос анҷом дода мешаванд ва бо кафолати суғурта фаро гирифта шудаанд Home: Contact БО МО ТАМОС ГИРЕД Лутфан варақаро пур кунед, агар шумо хоҳед, ки онро истифода баред аз хадамоти насби мо. Бинои комиссарон, 4 кӯчаи Сент Томас, Сандерленд, SR1 1NW 0191 3592042 Ном Телефон Почтаи электронӣ Шумо ба кадом хидмат таваҷҷӯҳ доред? Дастгирии коркарди пешниҳодҳо Омӯзиши пешниҳоди кормандон Насли пешбар Дастгирии аккредитатсияи PAS2019 Маълумоти иловагӣ дар бораи ECO3 пеш аз фиристодани варақаи мувофиқ Маълумоти иловагӣ дар бораи талаботи шумо Ташаккур барои пешниҳоди тафсилоти шумо. Яке аз даста ба шумо занг мезанад, то талаботи шуморо муҳокима кунед. Пешниҳод кунед

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