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  • How do I qualify for ECO4 Funding | ECO Simplified Limit

    Ini Ndinokodzera Sei Kune ECO3 Mari? Pane nzira mbiri dzekukodzera kuwana ECO3 mari. ​ Kubatsirwa LA Flex ​ Kana iwe ukatambira mukana unokodzera, isu tinoshandisa izvi kuwana mari yekupisa uye / orinsulation. Kune avo vasinga zive nezve bhenefiti inokodzera, tinogona kutarisa yako Local Authority Flexible Eligibility criteria (LA Flex) kuti uone kana uchigona kuwana mari nenzira iyi. Kana iwe uchikodzera kuburikidza neLA Flex, isu tinokufonera kuti utaure kuti anotevera matanho ndeapi. Kubatsirwa Kana iwe kana mumwe munhu achigara mumba mako muchigamuchira imwe yeiyo follwing, unogona kukodzera kuwana ECO3 mari: DWP inotungamirwa mabhenefiti; Mutero Kiredhiti Imari inoenderana neBasa Rutsigiro Chipo Mari inowanikwa kubva kuna Jobho Seekers Mvumo Kutsigira Kwemari Pension Kiredhiti Yese Chikwereti Kuremara Kurarama Chibvumirano Kuzvimiririra Kwega Kubhadhara Chiitiko Chekupinda Vatarisiri Mvumo Yakakomba Disability Allowance Maindasitiri Ekukuvara Kuremara Kubatsirwa ​ Ministry of Justice Bhenefiti; ​ Hondo Pensheni Kufambisa Kwekuwedzera, Anogara Achienda Chibvumirano Mauto Emauto Akazvimirira Kubhadhara ​ Zvimwe: ​ Mwana Kubatsirwa; kune akakodzera akakwirisa zvikumbaridzo: ​ Mumwechete Anokumbira (Vana vanosvika zera 18 yrs) ​ 1 Mwana - £ 18,500 2 Vana - £ 23,000 3 Vana - £ 27,500 4+ Vana £ 32,000 ​ Kugara mune Vakaroora (Vana kusvika zera 18 yrs) ​ 1 Mwana - £ 25,500 2 Vana - £ 30,000 3 Vana - £ 34,500 4+ Vana £ 39,000 LA FLEX Iwe unogona kukodzera pasi peLA Flex munzira mbiri. Mari yako yemhuri iri pazasi pemari yakatarwa (izvi zvinosiyana pakati pezviremera zvemuno) uye kuti imba yako yakatarwa E, F kana G pane yazvino EPC . Kana iwe usina EPC pane mibvunzo yaunoda kupindura kuti uone kana uchikodzera. Imwe nzira ndeyekuti kana iwe kana mumwe munhu mumba mako uine hutano hurefu kwenguva refu kana kuverengerwa panjodzi nechando nekuda kwezera kana mamiriro. ​​ Mamiriro Ehutano: ​ Mamiriro ezvinhu emwoyo Mamiriro ekufema Mamiriro ezvinhu eurourological Mental Hutano mamiriro Kuremara kwemuviri kune simba rakakura kana rakareba pakukwanisa kwako kuita zviito zvezuva nezuva Terminal chirwere Kudzvinyirirwa immune system ​ Inotambudzwa nechando nekuda kwezera kana mamiriro ​ Zera repasi rinogona kusiyana asi rinowanzo kuve pamusoro pe65 Kubata Iva nevana vanovimba pasi pemakore mashanu ekuberekwa ​ Zvakakosha: Chiremera cheMunharaunda chega chega chinogona kuve nemitemo yakasiyana siyana pamusoro pekukodzera; kunyanya kutenderedza izvo zvinonzi 'Mari Yakaderera'. Kana tangogamuchira fomu rako rekufanirwa tichazotarisa nzira dzinokodzera uye tozokurukura izvi pane yedu yekufona. ​ ​ Nyorera Mari

  • What can be installed with ECO4 scheme | ECO Simplified Limit

    Chii Chandinogona Kuva Ndichiisa Pasi Pe ECO3 Scheme? Isu takanyora iyo yekutsiva yekutsiva, yekudziisa kukwidziridzwa uye kuputira iwe yaunogona kunge iwe yawakaisa pasi peECO3 scheme. ​ Iwe unokwanisa kuve nechengetedzo yakaiswa pamwe chete nekupisa uye saka kana isu tikubata iwe tinokupa iwe izere pikicha yezvatinofunga iwe ungadai wakaisa. Kana iwe uine ongororo yapera izvi zvichasimbiswa newe. Insulation available under the ECO4 scheme Measure Type Homeowner Private Tenant Social Housing Tenant Cavity Wall Insulation Yes Yes - If installed alongside First Time Central Heating or Renewable Heating Yes External Wall Insulation Yes Yes Yes Flat Roof Insulation Yes Yes Yes Internal Wall Insulation Yes Yes Yes Loft Insulation Yes Yes - If installed alongside First Time Central Heating or Renewable Heating Yes Room in Roof Insulation Yes Yes - If installed alongside First Time Central Heating or Renewable Heating Yes Underfloor Insulation Yes Yes Yes Heating upgrades available under the ECO4 scheme Measure Type Homeowner Private Tenant Social Housing Tenant Air Source Heat Pump Yes Yes Yes Electric Storage Heater & Solar PV Yes Yes Yes Electric Storage Heater Upgrade Yes No No First Time Central Heating (Gas) Yes Yes Yes First Time Central Heating (Air Source Heat Pump) Yes Yes Yes Non- Condensing Gas Boiler Upgrade Yes No No Solar PV Yes Yes Yes Apply for Funding

  • Apply for ECO4 Funding | ECO Simplified Limit

    Kana iwe kana mumwe munhu ari mumba mako achiti chimwe chezvikomborero zviri pazasi, unokodzera kupihwa rubatsiro rweECO3. ​ ​ ​ Kunyorera ECO3 Grant neECO Yakareruka Ruzivo iwe rwaunotipa pazasi rinotibvumidza isu kutarisa kana iwe uchikodzera kuwana YEMAHARA ECO3 mari uye kuongorora dzimba dzako kukodzera kweinokumbirwa imba kuputira uye / kana kudziyisa matanho. ​Kana tangogamuchira fomu rako, tinokufonera kana iwe wakumbira, uye ticha: ​​ Simbisa izvo zvakapihwa kuti ndizvo. Kurukura nezve kukodzera kwako pachirongwa cheECO3, matanho aungakwanise kuisa (zvichienderana neongororo) uye kana paine chero zvipo zvingadikanwa. Tichakutumira mameseji (kana iwe wabvuma) kukuzivisa iwe kuti ndeipi kambani yekumisikidza ichange ichikubata iwe pamwe nechavo ruzivo. Ivo vacharonga nguva uye zuva reongororo uye kana imi vaviri uye navo muchifara kuronga zuva rekumisikidzwa. Iwe unogona kukanzura chero nguva usati gadziriro yacho yaitika pamwe NO HERE mutengo kwauri. Chekupedzisira isu tinobata yako data senge isu taizotarisira yedu kuti iitirwe. Isu tiri ICO takanyoreswa uye tinongoshandisa yako data zvine chekuita nekukuwanira iwe mari yekuvandudza kwako kugona kwemusha. Chii chingaiswe pasi pechirongwa cheECO3? Matanho ese ari pazasi (kunze kweGesi Boiler Kutsiva - Varidzi vemba chete) anowanikwa kune Varidzi Veimba & Maroja. Izvo zvakare zvinokwanisika kukodzera kuburikidza neLa Flex. ​ Kuti uwane rumwe ruzivo nezve LA Flex ndapota tinya pazasi Anchor 1 Zita Kero Post Code Email Runhare Zuva rekuzvarwa Huwandu hweMakamuri Ekuvata muPfuma yako Rudzi rwePfuma Ndokumbira usimbise kana iwe uri muridzi wepfuma Please confirm which of the qualifying benefits you receive Ndokumbirawo musimbise yazvino huru yekudziya mhando Ndokumbirawo musimbise irizvino huru yekupisa mafuta mune yako chivakwa Ndokumbira utaridze kuti ndeapi kudziya uye / kana kuputira mhando dzaunofarira. First Time Central Heating - Air Source Heat Pump Solar PV (Property must already be heated by electric heating or will be after project finished) Electric Storage Kuchenesa Kuvandudza Kugadziridza Gasi bhaira (inofanirwa kuve yako imba) Kutanga Nguva Pakati Pakudziya Cavity Wall Insulation Loft Insulation Kamuri Roof Yemukati Wall Insulation Underfloor Insulation Flat Roof Insulation Isu tinovavarira kufonera munhu wese anotumira mune fomu zuva rimwe chete asi tinzwisise izvi zvinogona kunge zvisiri nyore nguva dzose. Ndokumbirawo usarudze pazasi nguva yakanakisa yekuti mumwe wechikwata chedu ape runhare kuti akurukure nezvechikumbiro chako. Chero Nguva (ASAP) Muvhuro - Chishanu Kusati kwasvika 12pm Muvhuro - Chishanu 12pm - 4pm Muvhuro - Chishanu 4pm - 7pm Mugovera 9 am-12pm Mugovera 12pm - 5pm We can send you text messages keep you updated with the progress of your installation. Please indicate below if you are happy for us to do this Yes I consent to you sending me a text message to keep me updated on the progress of my installation No I do not give you consent to text me for any reason Please click below to confirm that you have read our privacy policy and terms of use and are happy to go ahead under these terms. I have read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Ndinokutendai nekuisa ruzivo rwenyu. Mumwe wechikwata chedu achange achitaurirana kuti akurukure nhanho dzinotevera. Tumira

  • Loft Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    Loft Insulation Heat from your house rises resulting in about quarter of the heat generated being lost through the roof of an un-insulated home. Insulating the roof space of your home is the simplest, most cost-effective way of saving energy and reducing your heating bills. Insulation should be applied to the loft area to a depth of at least 270mm, both between the joists and above as the joists themselves create a "heat bridge" and transfer heat to the air above. With modern insulating techniques and materials, it's still possible to use the space for storage or as a habitable space with the use of insulated floor panels. ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ Can save between £500-£690 a year on your fuel bills depending on property size (Figures from the Energy Saving Trust and assume property is a gas heated home and sized between a Mid-terrace house to a detached home). Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply for Funding

  • ECO4 Scheme, Free Gas Boiler Upgrade & Insulation Grants | ECO Simplified

    Home: Welcome Warmer Home with the ECO4 Schem e Free Gas Boiler upgrade, First Time Central Heating, Air Source Heat Pump, Solar PV & Insulation available. Click Apply Now to find out if your qualify! Apply Now Home: Services You are eligible for the ECO4 scheme if you or someone in your home claim qualifying ECO4 Benefit? ​ You can qualify if you rent or own your property (some restrictions apply).​ ​ If you do not claim a qualifying benefit, then you may still qualify if your household income is less than £31,000 or if you or someone in your home suffers from an eligible medical condition. (LA Flex). ​ Just complete our quick and easy application form and we will check if you are eligible. Apply Now The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) is a government energy efficiency scheme that covers England, Scotland & Wales to help reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty. ​ The scheme began in April 2013, and over time it has been amended. The ECO3 scheme closed on 31 March 2022. The latest policy, ECO4, applies to measures completed from 1 April 2022 and will cover a four year period until 31 March 2026. ECO4 Qualifying Benefits: ​ Income based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) Income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Income Support (IS) Pension Credit Guaranteed Credit (PCGC) Pension Credit Savings Credit (PCSC) Working Tax Credit (WTC) Child Tax Credit (CTC) Universal Credit (UC) Housing Benefit Child Benefit (Subject to income - please see below) ​ Single Claimant: Qualifying Maximum Household Income: 1 Child (up to age 18) - £19,900 2 Children (up to age 18) - £24,800 3 Children (up to age 18) - £29,600 4 Children (up to age 18) - £34,500 Member of Couple: Qualifying Maximum Household Income: ​ 1 Child (up to age 18) - £27,500 2 Children (up to age 18) - £32,300 3 Children (up to age 18) - £37,200 4 Children (up to age 18) - £42,000 Heating upgrades available FREE with the ECO4 scheme To learn more about the potential upgrade please click the link below or if you want to go ahead and apply please click 'Apply Now'. ​ Please note: Gas boiler upgrades are only available to customers who own their property. Gas boiler first time central heating can only be installed in properties that have never had a wet central heating system. To have either a gas boiler upgrade or first time central heating your property must have had a gas meter fitted prior to the 1st April 2022 and it must also be present immediately prior to install. Solar PV can only be installed along with an Air source heat pump, Electric storage heaters or in properties where these have already been installed. If you own your home and have old Electric storage heaters you may qualify for new High heat retention Electric storage heaters. If your home has a cavity wall or any roof insulation that is not insulated this will also need to be installed FREE as part of the project. ​ We will assess your property and if there is any additional insulation needed, it will be discussed with you and will be FREE if you qualify through the ECO4 scheme. Gas Boiler Upgrade Learn More Apply Now Gas First Time Central Heating Learn more Apply Now Air Source Heat Pump Learn More Apply Now Electric Storage Heater Upgrade Learn More Apply Now Solar PV Learn More Apply Now Smart Heating Controls Learn More Apply Now Insulation available FREE with the ECO4 scheme To learn more about the Insulation that is available FREE on the ECO4 scheme, please click the link below or if you want to go ahead and apply please click 'Apply Now'. ​ Cavity Wall Insulation Learn More Apply Now Internal Wall Insulation Learn More Apply Now External Wall Insulation Learn More Apply Now Room in Roof Insulation Learn More Apply Now Flat Roof Insulation Learn More Apply Now Loft Insulation Learn More Apply Now Underfloor Insulation Learn More Apply Now Chii chinoitika mushure mekunyorera mari? Maitiro ekunyorera kweECO3 mari ari nyore. Nekudzvanya 'shandisa izvozvi' uye kupedzisa fomu yedu tinobva tave kukwanisa kutarisa kukodzera kwako uye kuronga ongororo uye kumisikidza. Tichakufonera uye tosimbisa ruzivo iwe rwakatipa uye kuti iwe uchiri kuda kuenda kumberi. ​ Tichakurukura newe izvo zvinogona kuiswa mune yako chivakwa uye bhuku ongororo kuti iitwe panguva yakanakira iwe. YEMAHARA Hapana bhaisikopo yekuongorora ichapedzwa pane yako imba. ​ Iyo yekumisikidza kambani inozo simbisa pamwe newe izvo zvinogona kuiswa uye kuti iwe here iwe unofanirwa kubhadhara mupiro wekuvhara chero chero mamwe mabasa anodiwa. ​ Iwe unogona kukanzura chero nguva usati gadziriro yacho yaitika YEMAHARA. Nyorera Mari Zuva richabvumiranwa kupedza basa uye pachave nemamwe mapepa ekusaina. ​ Basa rese rinopedzwa nevanhu vanokwanisa uye rakafukidzwa neinishuwarenzi yakatsigirwa garandi Home: Contact TAURA NESU Ndokumbirawo upedze fomu kana iwe uchida kushandisa imwe yeedu ekuisa masevhisi. Komisheni yeKomisheni, 4 St Thomas 'Street, Sunderland, SR1 1NW 0191 3592042 Zita Runhare Email Ndeipi Service iwe yaunofarira? Kuzviisa Kugadziridza Kutsigira Vashandi Kuendesa Kudzidziswa Tungamira Chizvarwa PAS2019 Kubvumidzwa Kutsigira Yekuwedzera ruzivo nezve ECO3 usati watumira fomu rekufanirwa Ruzivo rwekuwedzera nezve zvaunoda Ndinokutendai nekuisa ruzivo rwenyu. Mumwe wechikwata anokufonera kuti utaure zvaunoda. Tumira

  • Leave a Review | ECO Simplified Limit

    Share your experience with us! How likely are you to recommend us to family/friend? 1 2 3 4 5+ Did you find everything you needed on our website? Yes No Please rate your overall satisfaction with our product Very dissatisfied A bit dissatisfied Pretty satisfied Satisfied Very satisfied Please rate your overall satisfaction with our product Where do we need to improve? Choose an option What can we do to improve? Your email address Submit Thanks for sharing! We always strive to improve.

  • ECO4 Scheme | ECO Simplified Limit

    ECO3 Chirongwa Chirongwa cheECO chakagadzwa nechinangwa chekubatsira dzimba dzinotambura pamubhadharo wakaderera kuti uvandudze mashandisiro emagetsi uye kudzikisira magetsi avo emagetsi. ​ Mari yekubhadhara chirongwa ichi inouya yakananga kubva kune ese emagetsi mabhajosi muchimiro cheGreen Mutero. Pasi peECO, vepakati uye vakuru simba vanopa mari vanofanirwa kubhadhara mari yekumisikidza matanho emagetsi muBritish (England, Scotland & Wales) dzimba. ​ Mumwe nemumwe anosungirwa mutengesi ane chinangwa chakazara chinoenderana nechikamu chayo chemusika wesimba remagetsi. ​ Muna Gumiguru 2018 Hurumende yakaparura yazvino vhezheni yechirongwa cheECO, 'ECO3' uye izvozvi zvinosanganisira mabhenefiti akawanda - zvichireva kuti vanhu vazhinji kupfuura nakare kose vanogona kuzokwanisa. ​ Sangano re Energy Energy Obligation (ECO) chirongwa chinotsigirwa neHurumende chinotarisirwa neOFGEM. ​ Iwo ma grants aripo anogona kubhadhara mutengo kana zvakanyanya kutsigira anokodzera marudzi ekupisa uye / kana kuputira mudzimba dziri mhiri kweEngland, Wales neScotland. Maitiro uye mhando yepfuma yako yaunogara inoshandiswa kuverenga huwandu hwemari iwe yaunogona kugamuchira kuburikidza neECO, sezvakaita mafuta anopisa imba. ​ Huwandu hwemari hwakafanotemerwa uye kana izvi zvikasanyatso kufukidza mutengo wekusarudzwa kwako, unogona kukumbirwa kuti upe rubatsiro kune izvi. Nyorera Mari

  • Solar PV | ECO Simplified Limit

    Solar PV Solar electricity panels, also known as photovoltaics (PV), capture the sun's energy and convert it into electricity that you can use in your home. A solar PV panel consists of many cells made from layers of semi-conducting material, most commonly silicon. When light shines on this material, a flow of electricity is created.​ The cells don’t need direct sunlight to work and can even work on cloudy days. However, the stronger the sunshine, the more electricity generated. ​ Solar PV systems are made up of several panels, with each panel generating around 410W of energy in strong sunlight. Typical systems contain around 10 panels and generate direct current electricity. Because the electricity used for household appliances is alternating current, an inverter is installed along with the system to convert direct current electricity into alternating current. This electricity can be used throughout your home or exported to the grid. ​ The benefits of solar electricity are that they cut your electricity bills. Sunlight is free, so once installation is complete, your electricity costs will be reduced. They will also cut your carbon footprint. Solar electricity is low carbon, renewable energy. A typical home solar PV system could save around one tonne of carbon per year, depending on where you live in the UK. ​ Space is a key consideration as is roof angle and the direction it faces. Ideally you want a south facing roof with a pitch at an angle of 30 or 40 degrees. East or west facing roofs can still be considered but North facing roofs are not recommended. ​ Also worth noting that are nearby buildings, chimneys or trees that shade your roof will have a negative impact on the performance of your system. ​ Planning permission is not usually required as Solar is classed as a permitted development but you should always check with your local authority before installing in case there are any local limits or restrictions. ​ With any domestic PV system, there will be times when the electricity you generate is more than you can use or store, so the surplus will be exported to the grid to be used by somebody else. ​ The old Feed-in Tariff closed for applications in March 2019 and has since been replaced by the Smart Export Guarantee. While not as generous as the Feed-in Tariff it is still a worthwhile scheme and does provide some financial support for electricity that you generate and export back to the grid. ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ The average cost of a domestic 4.2 kWp solar PV system is around £5000. If you include the Smart Export Guarantee you can save from £255 - £505 per year according to the Energy Saving Trust (saving depend on which part of the country you live in and how much time you are in the house when the Solar PV is generating electricity). Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). We also can offer a privately funded Solar PV package and finance. ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. Apply Now

  • Awards | ECO Simplified Limit

    ECO Simplified Shortlisted for StartUp Awards National Series Sunderland-based Eco Simplified has been named one of the most exciting new businesses in the region after being shortlisted as part of a brand-new awards programme. The StartUp Awards National Series has been launched to recognise the booming startup scene across the UK which has accelerated since the pandemic began. In 2020, when most of the world was shutting down, more than 400,000 start-ups were set up in Britain, with similar increases seen in other European countries. There was stiff competition with over 2,500 applications received in response to the Startup Awards National Series’ first-ever call for entries. James Aspey, Director of Eco Simplified said: It is a privilege to work in an industry where every day we can make a difference to people living in fuel poverty, whilst making a positive difference to the environment. Big thank you to the team at Eco Simplified, I am so proud of you all. Supported nationally by BT, EY, Dell & Intel, the programme will celebrate the achievements of the amazing individuals across the UK who have turned an idea into an opportunity and taken the risk to launch a new product or service. Co-founded by the team behind the Great British Entrepreneur Awards, the new series follows the success of the Wales StartUp Awards, after organisers recognised the exceptional potential in the startup scene across the other British regions. Professor Dylan Jones-Evans OBE, the creator of the StartUp Awards National Series, said: “​​New firms are important for generating economic prosperity, employment opportunities and innovation. Since 2016, the Wales StartUp Awards have celebrated this amazing annual contribution to our economy by entrepreneurs and the impact they have on communities across the nation. “Given the sheer volume of phenomenal start-ups we’ve heard from since then, as well as the huge post-pandemic shift in people’s desires to take their career in a new direction and set up a business against the odds, we felt it was the right time to take the programme nationwide. We have been blown away by the standard of entries in this first year and truly look forward to crowning the winners in June.”

  • Cavity Wall Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    Cavity Wall Insulation About 35% of all heat loss from UK homes is due to un-insulated external walls. If your home was built after the 1930s, the chances are that its external walls are made of two ‘skins’ with a small gap between them. This means they are ‘cavity walls’ and the gap between them can be filled with insulating material to stop the warmth escaping to the outside. ​ A cavity wall can be filled with an insulating material by injecting beads into the wall. This restricts any warmth passing through the wall, reducing the money you spend on heating. ​ You can check your wall type by looking at your brick pattern. If the bricks have an even pattern and are laid lengthways, then the wall is likely to have a cavity. If some of the bricks are laid with the square end facing, the wall is likely to be solid. If the wall is stone, it is likely to be solid. ​ If your home was built within the last 25 years it is likely to been already insulated or possibly partially insulated. The surveyor can check this with a borescope inspection. Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ Can save between £145-£480 a year on your fuel bills depending on property size (Figures from the Energy Saving Trust and assume property is a gas heated home and sized between a flat to a detached home). Walls are normally drilled and then filled from the outside, which minimises disruption and mess. Can be completed in a few hours. Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply for Funding

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