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  • How do I qualify for ECO4 Funding | ECO Simplified Limit

    Како се квалификувам за финансирање ECO3? Постојат 2 начини да се квалификувате за финансирање на ECO3. ​ Придобивки ЛА Флекс ​ Ако добивате квалификувана придобивка, ние ќе го искористиме ова за да пристапиме до средства за греење и/или изолација. За оние што не примаат надоместок за квалификација, можеме да ги провериме вашите критериуми за флексибилна подобност на локалната власт (LA Flex) за да видите дали можете да пристапите до финансирање преку оваа рута. Ако се квалификувате преку LA Flex, ќе ве повикаме да ве советуваме кои се следните чекори. Придобивки Ако вие или некој што живее во вашиот дом добива едно од следниве, можете да се квалификувате за финансирање на ECO3: Придобивки администрирани од DWP; Даночни кредити Додаток за поддршка за вработување поврзан со приходот Додаток за баратели на работа базиран на приход Поддршка за приход Пензиски кредит Универзален кредит Додаток за живеење со попреченост Плаќање за лична независност Додаток за присуство Додаток за негуватели Додаток за тешка попреченост Придобивки за попреченост од индустриски повреди ​ Придобивки од Министерството за правда; ​ Додаток за мобилност на воени пензии, додаток за постојано присуство Независно плаќање на вооружените сили ​ Друго: ​ Бенефит за деца; постојат максимални прагови за квалификација: ​ Самоповикувач (деца до 18 години) ​ 1 Дете - 18.500 фунти 2 деца - 23.000 фунти 3 деца - 27.500 фунти 4+ деца 32.000 фунти ​ Lивеење во двојка (деца до 18 години) ​ 1 Дете - 25.500 фунти 2 деца - 30.000 фунти 3 деца - 34.500 фунти 4+ деца 39.000 фунти ЛА ФЛЕКС Може да се квалификувате под LA Flex на два начина. Приходот на вашето домаќинство е под одреден износ (ова варира помеѓу локалните власти) и дека вашиот имот е оценет со Е, Ф или Г на најновиот ЕПК . Ако немате EPC, постојат прашања на кои треба да одговорите за да видите дали ги исполнувате условите. Другиот начин е ако вие или некој во вашето домаќинство има долгорочна здравствена состојба или е класифициран како ранлив на настинка поради возраста или околностите. ​​ Здравствени состојби: ​ Кардиоваскуларна состојба Респираторна состојба Невролошка состојба Состојба на ментално здравје Физичка попреченост која има суштински или долгорочен ефект врз вашата способност да правите нормални секојдневни активности Смртоносна болест Потиснат имунолошки систем ​ Ранливи на студ поради возраста или околностите ​ Минималната возраст може да варира, но обично е над 65 години Бременост Имајте зависни деца под 5 -годишна возраст ​ Важно: Секоја локална власт може да има различни правила околу подобноста; особено околу она што се смета за „Низок приход“. Откако ќе го добиеме вашиот формулар за подобност, ќе ги провериме критериумите за квалификација и ќе разговараме за ова на нашиот последователен повик. ​ ​ Аплицирајте за финансирање

  • What can be installed with ECO4 scheme | ECO Simplified Limit

    Што можам да инсталирам според шемата ECO3? Наведовме замена за греење, надградби на греење и изолација што можете да ги инсталирате според шемата ECO3. ​ Можете да инсталирате изолација заедно со греењето и затоа кога ќе ве контактираме ќе ви дадеме целосна слика за она што мислиме дека сте можеле да го инсталирате. Кога ќе ја завршите анкетата, ова ќе биде потврдено со вас. Insulation available under the ECO4 scheme Measure Type Homeowner Private Tenant Social Housing Tenant Cavity Wall Insulation Yes Yes - If installed alongside First Time Central Heating or Renewable Heating Yes External Wall Insulation Yes Yes Yes Flat Roof Insulation Yes Yes Yes Internal Wall Insulation Yes Yes Yes Loft Insulation Yes Yes - If installed alongside First Time Central Heating or Renewable Heating Yes Room in Roof Insulation Yes Yes - If installed alongside First Time Central Heating or Renewable Heating Yes Underfloor Insulation Yes Yes Yes Heating upgrades available under the ECO4 scheme Measure Type Homeowner Private Tenant Social Housing Tenant Air Source Heat Pump Yes Yes Yes Electric Storage Heater & Solar PV Yes Yes Yes Electric Storage Heater Upgrade Yes No No First Time Central Heating (Gas) Yes Yes Yes First Time Central Heating (Air Source Heat Pump) Yes Yes Yes Non- Condensing Gas Boiler Upgrade Yes No No Solar PV Yes Yes Yes Apply for Funding

  • Air Source Heat Pump | ECO Simplified Limit

    Air Source Heat Pump Air source heat pumps (ASHPs) absorb heat from the outside air to heat your home and hot water. They can still extract heat when air temperatures are as low as -15°C. Air source heat pumps need electricity to run, but because they are extracting renewable heat from the environment, the heat output is greater than the electricity input. This makes them an energy efficient method of heating your home. Think of an air source heat pump as a 'reverse fridge'. Heat is absorbed from the outdoor air and is compressed to raise the temperature. This then works to heat your home and hot water. Before thinking about an ASHP you must consider the following : Do you have somewhere to put it? You’ll need a place outside your home where a unit can be fitted to a wall or placed on the ground. It will need plenty of space around it to get a good flow of air. A sunny wall is ideal. The external unit is connected to an internal unit containing circulation pumps and hot water, which is usually smaller than the average boiler. What type of heating system do you have now? Homes without an existing central heating system will require one to be installed for an air source heat pump to work. What fuel will you be replacing? The system is more likely to pay for itself if it’s replacing an expensive system like electric heating. You’re unlikely to save much on your heating bill if you’re switching from mains gas. ​ Air source heat pumps can be installed as one of two varieties: ​ Air-to-Water Heat Pumps: These are the most common in the UK, transferring the heat into water which can then be used for traditional home heating elements. Air-to-Air Heat Pump s: These work with a circulation system to heat the air itself. ​ The main benefit of an air source heat pump is a more energy efficient method of heating your home, due to it producing around 3.5 kW of heat for every 1kW of energy used. This efficiency also brings a great saving on your carbon footprint of between 2,150 to 2,250 kg of carbon a year, compared to an A-rated boiler according to the Energy Saving Trust. Only air to water heat pumps are included in funding schemes. Currently the ECO4 Scheme offer fully funded options, subject to qualifying criteria. To find out what these are follow the link below; ​ ECO4 ​ Air source heat pumps offer a great alternative to LPG gas & oil boilers, electric room heaters and electric storage heaters but to work at their best your home needs to be a well insulated home. ​ If you are looking to spend money on a new heating system but insulation in your home is not up to standard, an air source heat pump would not be a sound investment for the future. ​ Air source heat pumps work best at producing heat at a lower temperature than boilers so if you have an draught proof home this will increase the efficiency. ​ It is also worth keeping in mind that while it is possible that if you are changing from a boiler to an Air source heat pump that you could use the existing pipework and radiators, this is not guaranteed and it is very likely that all will need to be replaced. ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply Now

  • Underfloor Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    Underfloor Insulation When thinking of areas in your home that need insulation, under the floor is not usually the first on the list. However homes with crawl spaces under the downstairs floor can benefit from underfloor insulation. ​ If you live in an older property you may have suspended timber floors. If you experience cold air coming through the floorboards, underfloor insulation will help to keep the property warm in the winter by preventing heat loss, plus it will also help to keep it cool in the warmer months. Underfloor insulation eliminates drafts that may enter via the gaps between the floorboards and ground, making you feel warmer. ​ It is important to NEVER block up air bricks in your wall. They are needed to help ventilate the space under your floor and to stop your floor board rotting. ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ Can save between £50 -£130 a year on your fuel bills depending on property size (Figures from the Energy Saving Trust and assume property is a gas heated home and sized between a Mid-terrace house to a detached home ). Will need to lift the floor boards to fit the insulation. Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply for Funding

  • External Wall Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    External Wall Insulation About 35% of all heat loss from UK homes is due to un-insulated external walls. External wall insulation is defined as a layer of insulation that is fixed to an existing external wall. This layer will be finished either with a coat of render or with an alternative cladding to protect it from the elements. External wall insulation is perfect for solid wall homes where you want to improve the look of the exterior of your home and its thermal rating. ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: Can save between £195-£650 a year on your fuel bills depending on property size (Figures from the Energy Saving Trust and assume property is a gas heated home and sized between a small flat to a large detached home). External wall insulation cannot only improve the look of your home, but also improve the weather proofing and sound resistance, alongside reducing drafts and heat loss. Having external wall insulation fitted to your home requires no internal work so the disruption can be kept to a minimum. Some period properties cannot have this installed to the front of the property but can have it installed to the rear. It will also increase the lifespan of your walls as it protects your brickwork, but these do need to be structurally sound before installation. Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply for Funding

  • Apply for ECO4 Funding | ECO Simplified Limit

    Ако вие или некој од вашето домаќинство тврдите една од подолу наведените придобивки, имате право за грант ECO3. ​ ​ ​ Аплицирање за ЕКО3 грант со ЕКО поедноставено Информациите што ни ги давате подолу ќе ни овозможат да провериме дали имате право за БЕСПЛАТНО финансирање од ECO3 и да ја процениме соодветноста на вашите домови за бараните мерки за изолација и/или греење на домот. ​Откако ќе го добиеме вашиот формулар, ќе ви се јавиме кога ќе го побарате и ќе: ​​ Потврдете дека дадените детали се точни. Разговарајте за вашата подобност за шемата ECO3, мерките што можеби ќе можете да ги инсталирате (предмет на истражување) и ако може да се бараат придонеси Willе ви испратиме порака (ако сте се согласиле) за да ве известиме која компанија за инсталација ќе ве контактира и нивните податоци за контакт. Тие ќе организираат време и датум за истражување и ако и вие и тие се среќни, договорете датум за инсталација. Можете да откажете во секое време пред да се изврши инсталацијата без ТАСА за вас. И на крај, ние ги третираме вашите податоци како што би очекувале да се третираат нашите. Ние сме регистрирани на МЦК и ги користиме вашите податоци само во врска со добивањето средства за подобрување на ефикасноста на вашиот дом. Што може да се инсталира според шемата ECO3? Сите мерки подолу (освен замена на котел за гас - само сопствениците на куќи) се достапни за сопствениците на куќи и станарите. Исто така, можно е да се квалификувате преку LA Flex. ​ За повеќе детали за LA Flex, ве молиме кликнете подолу Anchor 1 Име Адреса Поштенски код Е -пошта Телефон Дата на раѓање Број на спални соби во вашиот имот Тип на својство Ве молиме потврдете дали сте сопственик на имотот Please confirm which of the qualifying benefits you receive Ве молиме потврдете го тековниот тип на главно греење Ве молиме потврдете го тековното главно гориво за греење во вашиот имот Ве молиме наведете кои типови на греење и/или изолација ве интересираат. First Time Central Heating - Air Source Heat Pump Solar PV (Property must already be heated by electric heating or will be after project finished) Надградба на греењето на електричното складирање Заменски котел за гас (мора да го поседувате вашиот дом) Првпат централно греење Изолација на Wallид од шуплина Лофт изолација Соба во покривот Внатрешна Wallидна изолација Подна изолација Изолација на рамен покрив Наша цел е да ги повикаме сите што испраќаат форма во ист ден, но да разбереме дека ова не секогаш е погодно. Ве молиме, подолу изберете го најдоброто време за некој од нашиот тим да се јави за да разговара за вашата апликација. Во секое време (побрзо) Понеделник - Петок Пред 12 часот Понеделник - петок од 12 до 16 часот Понеделник - петок 16:00 - 19:00 часот Сабота од 9 до 12 часот Сабота од 12 до 17 часот We can send you text messages keep you updated with the progress of your installation. Please indicate below if you are happy for us to do this Yes I consent to you sending me a text message to keep me updated on the progress of my installation No I do not give you consent to text me for any reason Please click below to confirm that you have read our privacy policy and terms of use and are happy to go ahead under these terms. I have read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Ви благодариме што ги доставивте вашите податоци. Еден од нашиот тим ќе биде во контакт за да разговара за следните чекори. Поднеси

  • Room in Roof Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    Room in Roof Insulation Up to 25% of heat loss in a home can be attributed to an un-insulated roof space. ​ ​ A room-in-roof or attic room is simply defined by the presence of a fixed staircase to access the room and there should be a window Many older properties that were originally built with loft room space or 'room-in-roof' were either not insulated at all or insulated using inadequate materials and techniques when compared to today's building regulations. . ​ By using the latest insulation materials and methods, insulating existing attic rooms means that you can still use the roof space for storage or additional room space if needed while still trapping heat in the property and rooms below. ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ Can save between £500-£690 a year on your fuel bills depending on property size (Figures from the Energy Saving Trust and assume property is a gas heated home and sized between a Mid-terrace house to a detached home). Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply for Funding

  • Solar PV | ECO Simplified Limit

    Solar PV Solar electricity panels, also known as photovoltaics (PV), capture the sun's energy and convert it into electricity that you can use in your home. A solar PV panel consists of many cells made from layers of semi-conducting material, most commonly silicon. When light shines on this material, a flow of electricity is created.​ The cells don’t need direct sunlight to work and can even work on cloudy days. However, the stronger the sunshine, the more electricity generated. ​ Solar PV systems are made up of several panels, with each panel generating around 410W of energy in strong sunlight. Typical systems contain around 10 panels and generate direct current electricity. Because the electricity used for household appliances is alternating current, an inverter is installed along with the system to convert direct current electricity into alternating current. This electricity can be used throughout your home or exported to the grid. ​ The benefits of solar electricity are that they cut your electricity bills. Sunlight is free, so once installation is complete, your electricity costs will be reduced. They will also cut your carbon footprint. Solar electricity is low carbon, renewable energy. A typical home solar PV system could save around one tonne of carbon per year, depending on where you live in the UK. ​ Space is a key consideration as is roof angle and the direction it faces. Ideally you want a south facing roof with a pitch at an angle of 30 or 40 degrees. East or west facing roofs can still be considered but North facing roofs are not recommended. ​ Also worth noting that are nearby buildings, chimneys or trees that shade your roof will have a negative impact on the performance of your system. ​ Planning permission is not usually required as Solar is classed as a permitted development but you should always check with your local authority before installing in case there are any local limits or restrictions. ​ With any domestic PV system, there will be times when the electricity you generate is more than you can use or store, so the surplus will be exported to the grid to be used by somebody else. ​ The old Feed-in Tariff closed for applications in March 2019 and has since been replaced by the Smart Export Guarantee. While not as generous as the Feed-in Tariff it is still a worthwhile scheme and does provide some financial support for electricity that you generate and export back to the grid. ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ The average cost of a domestic 4.2 kWp solar PV system is around £5000. If you include the Smart Export Guarantee you can save from £255 - £505 per year according to the Energy Saving Trust (saving depend on which part of the country you live in and how much time you are in the house when the Solar PV is generating electricity). Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). We also can offer a privately funded Solar PV package and finance. ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. Apply Now

  • News | ECO Simplified Limit

    News Contact Us ECO SIMPLIFIED Join us on our journey ECO Simplified Shortlisted for StartUp Awards National Series Read More ECO Simplified blog

  • Internal Wall Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    Internal Wall Insulation About 35% of all heat loss from UK homes is due to un-insulated external walls. Internal wall insulation is perfect for solid wall homes where you can't alter the outside of the property. ​ If your home was built before 1920 there is a strong likelihood that your property has solid walls. ​ You can check your wall type by looking at your brick pattern.​ If some of the bricks are laid with the square end facing, the wall is likely to be solid. If the wall is stone, it is likely to be solid. ​ Internal wall insulation is installed on a room by room basis and is applied to all exterior walls. Polyisocyanurate Insulated (PIR) plaster boards are usually used creating a dry-lined, insulated internal wall. The internal walls are then plastered to leave a smooth and clean surface for redecoration. ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ Can save between £195-£650 a year on your fuel bills depending on property size (Figures from the Energy Saving Trust and assume property is a gas heated home and sized between a sma ll flat to a large detached home). Not only will this make your house warmer in winter but it will also save you money by slowing the loss of heat through un-insulated walls.​ It will slightly reduce the floor area of any rooms which it is applied (roughly about 100mm per wall) Can be quite disruptive to install and does require the removal and re-fixing of items such as switches and radiators. Any issues with penetrating or rising damp must be rectified before install can commence. Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply for Funding

  • Awards | ECO Simplified Limit

    ECO Simplified Shortlisted for StartUp Awards National Series Sunderland-based Eco Simplified has been named one of the most exciting new businesses in the region after being shortlisted as part of a brand-new awards programme. The StartUp Awards National Series has been launched to recognise the booming startup scene across the UK which has accelerated since the pandemic began. In 2020, when most of the world was shutting down, more than 400,000 start-ups were set up in Britain, with similar increases seen in other European countries. There was stiff competition with over 2,500 applications received in response to the Startup Awards National Series’ first-ever call for entries. James Aspey, Director of Eco Simplified said: It is a privilege to work in an industry where every day we can make a difference to people living in fuel poverty, whilst making a positive difference to the environment. Big thank you to the team at Eco Simplified, I am so proud of you all. Supported nationally by BT, EY, Dell & Intel, the programme will celebrate the achievements of the amazing individuals across the UK who have turned an idea into an opportunity and taken the risk to launch a new product or service. Co-founded by the team behind the Great British Entrepreneur Awards, the new series follows the success of the Wales StartUp Awards, after organisers recognised the exceptional potential in the startup scene across the other British regions. Professor Dylan Jones-Evans OBE, the creator of the StartUp Awards National Series, said: “​​New firms are important for generating economic prosperity, employment opportunities and innovation. Since 2016, the Wales StartUp Awards have celebrated this amazing annual contribution to our economy by entrepreneurs and the impact they have on communities across the nation. “Given the sheer volume of phenomenal start-ups we’ve heard from since then, as well as the huge post-pandemic shift in people’s desires to take their career in a new direction and set up a business against the odds, we felt it was the right time to take the programme nationwide. We have been blown away by the standard of entries in this first year and truly look forward to crowning the winners in June.”

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