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  • Landlord Insulation & Heating Grants | ECO Simplified Limit

    ECO3 Grants For Landlords É o locatário de uma propriedade que pode se qualificar para financiamento ECO3, se estiver recebendo um benefício de qualificação. ​ Existem vários motivos pelos quais um Proprietário gostaria que seus inquilinos usassem esse esquema. Atualizar o aquecimento e instalar um novo isolamento em uma propriedade não só aumenta seu valor, mas também, seus inquilinos economizam dinheiro em suas contas de energia e se sentem mais confortáveis em seus arredores. Também ajuda a atrair novos inquilinos quando a propriedade está vazia. ​ Todas as propriedades no setor de aluguel privado na Inglaterra e País de Gales precisam ter uma classificação EPC com pelo menos uma classificação 'E', a menos que sejam isentas. Se a sua propriedade estiver abaixo da classificação 'E', você está limitado ao que o seu inquilino pode inicialmente ter instalado. As medidas disponíveis para uma propriedade com classificação 'F' ou 'G' são Isolamento de Parede Sólida (Isolamento Interno ou Externo) e Aquecimento Central de Primeira Vez. Qualquer um deles deve colocar sua propriedade acima da classificação 'E', o que significa que você pode ter isolamento ou aquecimento adicional instalado. ​ O esquema dá um valor fixo que cobre a propriedade, em vez disso, cada medida atrai financiamento em uma pontuação que é calculada a partir do tipo de propriedade, número de quartos e tipo de aquecimento da pré-instalação. Existem elevações adicionais se, por exemplo, sua propriedade não estiver usando aquecimento a gás da rede elétrica. Isso pode significar que você pode ter várias medidas instaladas potencialmente sem nenhum custo para você, mas você e seus inquilinos obtêm todos os benefícios. ​ Esses benefícios incluem: ​ Melhora o valor e a condição da propriedade Reduz as contas de energia para inquilinos existentes e novos Torna sua propriedade um lugar mais confortável para morar Ajuda a manter e atrair novos inquilinos Facilita a venda do imóvel Ajuda a proteger o meio ambiente ​ Não há custo para verificar a elegibilidade ou para passar pelo processo de pesquisa e, se alguma contribuição for necessária, você pode dizer não a qualquer momento antes da instalação. ​ Além disso, nenhum instalador instalará nada em sua propriedade sem a permissão por escrito do proprietário. Solicitamos os dados do Proprietário para que, se um inquilino nos enviar um cheque de elegibilidade, possamos ter certeza de que o Proprietário está ciente e também quais medidas sua propriedade pode ter direito de ter instalado. ​ Há uma descrição do esquema e do que você pode potencialmente ter instalado em sua propriedade abaixo ou se tiver sido enviado aqui pelo seu senhorio, clique no botão 'Solicitar financiamento'. ​ ​ ​ Candidate-se a financiamento O que os inquilinos podem ter instalado no esquema ECO3? Listamos a substituição do aquecimento, as atualizações do aquecimento e o isolamento que você pode instalar no esquema ECO3, se for um inquilino. ​ Você pode instalar o isolamento junto com o aquecimento e outras medidas de isolamento, portanto, quando entrarmos em contato com você, daremos uma imagem completa do que pensamos que você poderia ter instalado. Quando você tiver a pesquisa concluída, isso será confirmado com você. AQUECIMENTO CENTRAL DE PRIMEIRA VEZ Todos os clientes que residam em imóvel que nunca teve Sistema de Aquecimento Central e que tenha um dos seguintes como principal fonte de aquecimento são elegíveis para financiamento para instalação de Aquecimento Central de Primeira Vez. ​ Aquecedores elétricos de ambiente, incluindo aquecedores de ação direta, aquecedores com ventilador e aquecedores elétricos ineficientes Aquecedores a gás Fogo a gás com boiler Incêndio de combustível fóssil sólido com boiler Aquecimento de piso ou teto elétrico direto (não conectado a uma caldeira elétrica) Aquecimento ambiente de GLP engarrafado Aquecedores de sala de combustível fóssil sólido Aquecimento ambiente de madeira / biomassa Aquecedor de sala de óleo Sem aquecimento ​ Se pretende aquecimento central a gás, tem de viver numa propriedade que tenha uma nova ligação a gás ou uma ligação a gás que nunca tenha sido utilizada para aquecimento. O financiamento ECO não cobre o custo de uma conexão de gás, mas outras concessões podem, como concessões de autoridades locais. ​ O seguinte pode ser instalado como FTCH: ​ Aquecedor de água à Gas ​ Caldeira de biomassa ​ Caldeira a GLP engarrafada Caldeira a GLP Bomba de calor da fonte de ar Bomba de calor de fonte subterrânea Caldeira Elétrica ​ Todas as propriedades devem ter loft ou espaço no isolamento do telhado e isolamento da cavidade das paredes (se possível) ou já presentes ou instalados antes da conclusão do aquecimento central pela primeira vez. Isso é algo que o instalador irá discutir com você no momento e pode ser financiado pelo ECO. ATUALIZAÇÃO DO AQUECEDOR DE ARMAZENAMENTO ELÉTRICO Se você estiver usando aquecedores elétricos para ambientes domésticos, a atualização para aquecedores elétricos de armazenamento de alta retenção de calor aumentará o aquecimento e a eficiência de sua propriedade. Aquecedores elétricos de armazenamento funcionam usando eletricidade fora do pico (geralmente à noite) e armazenam o calor para ser liberado durante o dia. Para fazer isso, os aquecedores de armazenamento têm um núcleo altamente isolado, feito de um material de alta densidade. Eles são projetados para reter o calor armazenado pelo maior tempo possível. Aquecedores de armazenamento usam energia fora do pico porque é mais barata do que a eletricidade padrão. Normalmente, eles têm um circuito totalmente separado para o resto da sua casa e só ligam quando começa o período de baixa temporada. Depois de ser contatado pelo instalador, um cálculo de calor é feito para determinar o número e o tamanho corretos dos aquecedores elétricos de armazenamento necessários para sua propriedade. Você deve estar em uma tarifa Economy 7 ou ter um medidor Economy 7 instalado ter aquecedores elétricos de armazenamento instalados. ​ A propriedade deve ser classificada como AE em seu EPC mais recente para se qualificar para esta medida. ISOLAMENTO DE CAVIDADE DE PAREDE Cerca de 35% de toda a perda de calor das residências no Reino Unido ocorre por meio de paredes externas não isoladas. Se sua casa foi construída depois de 1920, há uma grande probabilidade de que sua propriedade tenha paredes vazadas. Uma parede da cavidade pode ser preenchida com um material isolante injetando contas na parede. Isso restringe a passagem de calor entre eles, reduzindo o dinheiro gasto com aquecimento. ​ Você pode verificar o tipo de parede observando o padrão de tijolos. Se os tijolos tiverem um padrão uniforme e colocados no sentido do comprimento, é provável que a parede tenha uma cavidade. Se alguns dos tijolos forem colocados com a extremidade quadrada voltada, a parede provavelmente será sólida. Se a parede for de pedra, é provável que seja sólida. ​ Se a sua casa foi construída nos últimos 25 anos, é provável que já tenha sido isolada ou possivelmente parcialmente isolada. O instalador pode verificar isso com uma inspeção com boroscópio. ​ A propriedade deve ser classificada como AE em seu EPC mais recente para se qualificar para esta medida ISOLAMENTO DE PAREDE EXTERNA O isolamento da parede externa é perfeito para residências com paredes sólidas, nas quais você deseja melhorar a aparência do exterior da sua casa e melhorar sua classificação térmica. Ter isolamento de parede externa instalado em sua casa não requer nenhum trabalho interno, portanto, a perturbação pode ser reduzida ao mínimo. Pode ser necessária permissão de planejamento, portanto, verifique com as autoridades locais antes de instalar em sua propriedade. Algumas propriedades de época não podem ter isso instalado na frente da propriedade, mas podem tê-lo instalado na parte traseira. O isolamento da parede externa não só melhora a aparência da sua casa, mas também melhora a impermeabilização e a resistência ao som, ao lado reduzindo correntes de ar e perda de calor. Ele também aumentará a vida útil de suas paredes, pois protege sua alvenaria, mas elas precisam ser estruturalmente sólidas antes da instalação. ISOLAMENTO DE PAREDE INTERNA O isolamento da parede interna é perfeito para casas com paredes sólidas, onde você não pode alterar o exterior da propriedade. ​ Se sua casa foi construída antes de 1920, há uma grande probabilidade de que sua propriedade tenha paredes sólidas. ​ Você pode verificar o tipo de parede observando o padrão de tijolos. ​ Se alguns dos tijolos forem colocados com a extremidade quadrada voltada, a parede provavelmente será sólida. Se a parede for de pedra, é provável que seja sólida. ​ O isolamento da parede interna é instalado cômodo por cômodo e aplicado a todas as paredes externas. Placas de gesso isoladas com poliisocianurato (PIR) são geralmente usadas para criar uma parede interna isolada e forrada a seco. As paredes internas são então rebocadas para deixar uma superfície lisa e limpa para redecoração. ​ Isso não apenas deixará sua casa mais quente no inverno, mas também economizará dinheiro ao diminuir a perda de calor através das paredes não isoladas. ​ Isso reduzirá ligeiramente a área do piso de todas as salas em que for aplicado (cerca de cerca de 10 cm por parede) ISOLAMENTO DE LOFT O calor da sua casa aumenta, resultando na perda de cerca de um quarto do calor gerado pelo telhado de uma casa sem isolamento. Isolar o telhado de sua casa é a maneira mais simples e econômica de economizar energia e reduzir suas contas de aquecimento. O isolamento deve ser aplicado à área do loft a uma profundidade de pelo menos 270 mm, tanto entre as vigas quanto acima, pois as próprias vigas criam uma "ponte de calor" e transferem calor para o ar acima. Com modernas técnicas e materiais de isolamento, é ainda possível utilizar o espaço para arrumação ou como espaço habitável com a utilização de painéis de pavimento isolados. ​ A propriedade deve ser classificada como AE em seu EPC mais recente para se qualificar para esta medida SALA NO TELHADO Até 25% da perda de calor em uma casa pode ser atribuída a um espaço de telhado não isolado. As bolsas ECO podem cobrir o custo total de isolamento de todos os cômodos do loft de acordo com os regulamentos de construção atuais, usando os materiais de isolamento mais recentes. ​ Muitas propriedades mais antigas que foram originalmente construídas com espaço de loft ou 'room-in-roof' não foram isoladas ou foram isoladas usando materiais e técnicas inadequadas em comparação com os regulamentos de construção de hoje. Um cômodo no telhado ou sótão é definido simplesmente pela presença de uma escada fixa de acesso ao cômodo e deve haver uma janela. ​ Usando os materiais e métodos de isolamento mais recentes, isolar os quartos do sótão existentes significa que você ainda pode usar o espaço do telhado para armazenamento ou espaço adicional, se necessário, enquanto retém o calor na propriedade e nos quartos abaixo. ​ A propriedade deve ser classificada como AE em seu EPC mais recente para se qualificar para esta medida ISOLAMENTO DE PISO Ao pensar em áreas de sua casa que precisam de isolamento, o piso geralmente não é o primeiro da lista. No entanto, as casas com espaços baixos sob o piso de baixo podem se beneficiar do isolamento do piso. O isolamento do piso elimina as correntes de ar que podem entrar pelas fendas entre as tábuas do piso e o solo, fazendo você se sentir mais quente e, de acordo com a Energy Saving Trust, economize até £ 40 por ano. ​ A propriedade deve ser classificada como AE em seu EPC mais recente para se qualificar para esta medida Candidate-se a financiamento

  • Cavity Wall Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    Cavity Wall Insulation About 35% of all heat loss from UK homes is due to un-insulated external walls. If your home was built after the 1930s, the chances are that its external walls are made of two ‘skins’ with a small gap between them. This means they are ‘cavity walls’ and the gap between them can be filled with insulating material to stop the warmth escaping to the outside. ​ A cavity wall can be filled with an insulating material by injecting beads into the wall. This restricts any warmth passing through the wall, reducing the money you spend on heating. ​ You can check your wall type by looking at your brick pattern. If the bricks have an even pattern and are laid lengthways, then the wall is likely to have a cavity. If some of the bricks are laid with the square end facing, the wall is likely to be solid. If the wall is stone, it is likely to be solid. ​ If your home was built within the last 25 years it is likely to been already insulated or possibly partially insulated. The surveyor can check this with a borescope inspection. Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ Can save between £145-£480 a year on your fuel bills depending on property size (Figures from the Energy Saving Trust and assume property is a gas heated home and sized between a flat to a detached home). Walls are normally drilled and then filled from the outside, which minimises disruption and mess. Can be completed in a few hours. Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply for Funding

  • Home Upgrade Grant | ECO Simplified Limit

    Home Upgrade Scheme The Home Upgrade Grant provides energy efficiency upgrades and low-carbon heating to low-income households living off the gas grid in England to tackle fuel poverty and meet net-zero. ​ The first wave of HUG will aim to incentivise energy efficiency improvements in off-grid homes across England with an EPC rating of between D and G. ​ This is a scheme intended to curb heating demand in properties that are reliant on bottled gas and oil. ​ A range of efficiency improvement measures are to be covered under the HUG programme that will be open to homes with Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ratings of between D and G. ​ These measures include low-carbon heating systems, wall and roof insulation, thermostats and room heating controls. ​ The planned upgrades will be used to reduce heating bills for low-income individuals currently living in private housing and off the grid gas .

  • Local Authority Delivery | ECO Simplified Limit

    Local Authority Delivery (LAD) The LAD (Local Authority Delivery) Scheme aims to raise the energy efficiency of low-income and low EPC rated homes (those with Band E, F or G). ​ This includes those living in the worst quality off-gas grid homes, delivering progress toward reducing fuel poverty, phasing out the installation of high carbon fossil fuel heating and the UK’s commitment to net-zero by 2050. ​ Local authorities in England (individually or as part of a consortium bid with other local authorities/partners) can submit bids for funding to improve the energy efficiency of the homes of low-income households in their areas. ​ ​​ ​ ​​Contractors for low carbon heating must be MSC registered. Trustmark registration is preferred for energy efficiency contractors but not essential (unlike for the voucher scheme). However, local authorities not using Trustmark installers will need to specify how they will ensure good quality work will be undertaken, the steps taken to ensure consumer protection and consumer redress. ​ Qualifying Criteria ​ Private tenants/owner-occupiers EPC needs to be D, E, F, G. Social housing tenants EPC needs to be E, F, G. Household income cannot exceed £30,000. Customers must not have more than £16,000 in savings. 100% subsidy for owner-occupiers (up to £10,000) Two-third subsidy for social and private landlords (up to £5,000) ​ Available Energy Efficiency Upgrades ​ Loft Insulation Cavity Wall Insulation Solid Wall Insulation Underfloor Insulation Air Source Heat Pump Solar PV Glazing Upgrades ​ To discuss accessing the scheme, please click contact us below and we will be in contact as soon as possible. Contact Us

  • Blog | ECO Simplified Limit

    All Posts Buscar Login/Registre-se Ainda não há posts publicados nesse idioma Assim que novos posts forem publicados, você poderá vê-los aqui. Ainda não há posts publicados nesse idioma Fique ligado... Ainda não há posts publicados nesse idioma Fique ligado...

  • Infrared Heating | ECO Simplified Limit

    Infrared Heating Eco Simplified are very happy to be able to offer two infrared heating products; a heating film and panel. Both products can be fitted independently as a standalone whole house approach to heating your home or they can be installed alongside each other to offer a truly unique way to heat your home. ​ Please follow the links below to the product pages or if you want to learn more about Infrared heating, there is more information on this page. If you have any questions or comments regarding Infrared heating please contact us. iHelios Heating Film The iHelios heating system is a significant breakthrough in environmentally friendly space heating technology Learn More Infrared Heating Panels Easy to install Infrared heating panels that are suitable for every room in your house ​ Learn More What is Infrared Heating? ​ Infrared heating panels, also referred to as radiant heating panels, or far infrared panels, are electric heating emitters that use the radiant heat spectrum to target heat in specific areas. The heat is very similar to the feeling you get from the sun when it peeps out from behind a cloud on a cold day. ​ Infrared heating do not heat the air like conventional heating (gas central heating) but heats the objects in the room; furniture, walls and of course you. This means you begin to feel warm within a few minutes rather than 30-60 minutes with conventional heating which needs to heat the air before you feel warm. ​ Infrared heating can be used as a whole house solution or to complement a central heating system to provide a boost when required. ​ What is Infrared Light? ​ Infrared heating get their heat from Infrared light, which is the reason why we feel warm when the sun is shining in the middle of a wintery day. Conventional wisdom would suggest that if the air temperature were freezing, then you too would feel cold. However the infrared waves emitted by the sun travel unimpeded through space, and warm any object they hit, including your body. Basically the air in the room may be cold but you wont be. ​ Infrared is a form of electromagnetic radiation that sits just beyond the red end of the visible light range of the electromagnetic spectrum. We often hear the word radiation and automatically associate it with being harmful, but in fact, radiation is just a process of energy emission. Just like visible light radiation, infrared radiation is 100% safe. ​ Are you sure Infrared is safe? ​ When you hear the word 'Radiation' you make the assumption it is dangerous, but not all forms of radiation are dangerous. It is true that some forms of electromagnetic radiation are dangerous such as Ultraviolet, Gamma Rays and a type of Infrared called 'Near Infrared'. ​ Infrared heating panels use 'Far Infrared' which often gets confused with 'Near Infrared' but the difference is noticeable. Near Infrared is a more intense and penetrating radiation and can cause thermal burns, aging effects on the skin surface and severe eye damage. A 'Near Infrared' heating product would never be allowed on the market as a type of heating, not only because it is dangerous but even if you could make it safe a 'Near Infrared' product would be ineffective as a heating product. ​ Conventional space heating in homes ​ Conventional heating in the home works by warming up the air around you; for instance a radiator does most of its heating through convection currents. When the radiator warms up, it heats the air directly around it, which then expands and rises. As the hot air rises, it creates a vacuum behind it, which pulls colder air into contact with the radiator, causing it to heat up. As the hot air begins to cool down it drops down back to floor level. This cold air gets heated again and this process keeps repeating itself – this is known as convection heating. Most conventional heating systems do emit some infrared waves. For example, if you have ever sat near an open fire, you will have felt the heat on your face. Then when you put your hand in front of your face, this stops the infrared hitting your face directly; instead you will feel your hands get warm. This is infrared. ​ Infrared heaters in the home ​ Infrared heating is a fairly recent addition to the domestic and commercial heating scene. It is emitted from the heater, which then travels unimpeded through the air until it hits an object. The object absorbs the radiation, causing molecules within it to vibrate, producing heat. If the waves come into contact with humans, they will travel about an inch into the body providing a feeling of deep heat, but even if you are not directly in the way of the waves, any solid body will vibrate when the waves hit them, causing them to radiate heat back towards you. ​ Despite being able to purchase gas, oil and solid fuel infrared heaters, we suggest using electric infrared panels in the home, since you do not need to integrate any pipe work or fuel storage facilities when you install the panels. There are also no direct emissions associated with using the electrical panels (and if you use them in conjunction with solar panels you get 100% emission free heating). They also can be placed high up on the walls or the ceiling, so they will be easy to keep away from pets and children (they get about as warm as a standard radiator). ​ The electric panels come in numerous sizes and certain models can double up as mirrors. Since they have no moving parts, they operate in complete silence, which makes them ideal for bedrooms. ​ Is Infrared Heating Energy Efficient? ​ Infrared heaters are 100% efficient, which means what you put in is what you get out. That in itself may not sound very good when the percentages are compared to other heating technologies, but it is more about how the heat is used that makes it efficient. ​ Infrared is around 1.5 times more efficient as it heats objects rather than the air which by volume will be greater. Infrared therefore has to heat considerably less to provide the same level of heat. ​ In addition, you are heating solid walls or objects with infrared radiation and these have a thermal mass, which means they retain heat and help keep the home cosy. Conversely, air has no thermal mass, so in the case of traditional convection-warmed rooms, when a door is opened, the hot air will quickly escape; requiring you to reheat the room to feel warm again. One brilliant factor in favour of these panels is the ability to provide the home with a fully-zoned property. Unlike central heating systems, the panels can be switched on in individual rooms using the thermostats. This means that heating is only fully used when required. If you think how much energy is wasted in rooms that do not need to be heated, such as guest bedrooms, this is a real benefit. ​ Electric infrared panels also only take about 30 seconds to reach full operating temperature and therefore are much more efficient at heating a space than conventional space heating heaters. The heat is also contained in the thermal mass of the room surfaces, as opposed to the heat. This means that it stays warmer for longer and draughts do not play as large a part when compared with convection heaters. ​ Other advantages of infrared heating ​ Another major advantage of infrared heating is that unlike conventional heaters that just heat the air, infrared heaters heat the walls, which will mean they stay completely dry. It then builds up the thermal mass within the walls and the floors, which maintains the warmth and keeps it dry by reducing condensation. Therefore infrared heating helps prevent the spread of mould in the property. In addition, conventional heaters warm the room by convection currents that circulate dust particles continuously around the home, however these convection currents do not occur with infrared heating, so for people who suffer from asthma, infrared panels can be the ideal solution. Infrared heaters also will provide the optimum heating temperature within 30 seconds of being turned on. Since there are no moving parts, they make no noise; therefore they are ideal as a heating solution in bedrooms. ​ Benefits The units are compact and can be designed to provide another function such as a mirror in the bathroom, which helps save room. Since infrared heaters heat solid objects in the home like walls, they prevent any moisture build up on these surfaces and so inhibit the spread of mould. Fit and forget technology, very little maintenance required These heaters are emission free (i.e. no fuel is burnt in their operation) and if they are used in conjunction with renewable energy sources like solar PV, you are producing 100% clean heat. The way these heaters heat a room is more efficient than conventional convection heaters so they are more cost effective to run. Infrared heaters warm solid objects with a thermal capacity, therefore if a room is draughty or a door is opened, the solid objects retain the heat keeping the room warm. ​ If you need more information please click the contact us button below or if you are ready to check out our Infrared products click those buttons instead. iHelios Heating Film Contact Us iHelios Heating Panels

  • Boiler Upgrade Scheme | ECO Simplified Limit

    Boiler Upgrade Scheme The Boiler Upgrade Scheme is a UK Government initiative to encourage more people in England and Wales to install low carbon heating systems, such as heat pumps and biomass boilers. ​ 1. What is the Boiler Upgrade Scheme? ​ The Boiler Upgrade Scheme is a government grant scheme for heat pumps. It provides funding for homeowners to install home heat pumps in their homes at a discounted price. In some limited circumstances, the grant scheme could also provide funding to install biomass boilers but only when replacing fossil fuel heating. These grants could help you to install Air Source Heat Pumps at a fraction of the price. So, if you are thinking about replacing your gas boiler or if you would like a break from the constant rising gas prices, these grants could be for you. ​ 2. Who is eligible for Boiler Upgrade Scheme? ​ Boiler Upgrade Grants are available in England and Wales, homeowners, and businesses can apply for these grants. An alternate scheme is yet to be announced for Scotland. ​ Homeowners and businesses can get these grants towards the installation of heat pumps and unlike other energy-efficiency grant schemes such as ECO4, there are no requirements to claim benefits or meet income rules. ​ However, the property will need to be suitable for a heat pump and it is worth considering the benefits of heat pumps to determine whether they are suitable for your home or business. ​ The scheme provides funding for the installation of heat pumps. ​ Air Source Heat Pump Grants are worth £5,000 Ground Source Heat Pump Grants worth are £6,000 ​ 3. What properties are eligible for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme? ​ Your property will need to be in England or Wales as Scotland is not included in this scheme. Similarly, to previous grant schemes, there will be a requirement for basic energy-efficiency measures to be fitted before the heat pump installation. This means that if you have cavity walls, they must be filled, and you need a minimum depth of insulation in your loft. To evidence this, you will need to have an up-to-date Energy Performance Certificate which does not show these measures as being required. ​ To discuss accessing the scheme, please click contact us below and we will be in contact as soon as possible. ​ Contact Us

  • Solar Batteries | ECO Simplified Limit

    Solar Batteries If you have Solar PV on your roof, then you will inevitably generate more electricity than you need at times of high supply and low demand, with any surplus exported back into the grid. At the moment, many people are paid for this through the Smart Export Guarantee system. ​ If you have an existing small solar PV system , with little excess to go into a battery or other storage options, it’s not likely to make financial or practical sense. New build homes integrating small PV systems into their designs are also unlikely to benefit. ​ On the other hand, if you install a good number of panels onto your roof and there’s generally no-one around during the day using the electricity generated, it might be worth considering your storage options. ​ Funding Available: There is currently no schemes available that offer funding towards battery storage, but there is for Solar PV and can potentially be fully funded through ECO4 , Local Authority Delivery and Home Upgrade Grant schemes but you must meet the qualifying criteria. Details can be be found by following the links to those pages. Purchasing Battery Storage: We can offer finance to support your purchase. Details can be found here. ​ We can supply a variety of Battery Storage options and will always work with you to make sure what is fitted meets your needs. ​ Due to the range of batteries currently in the market and the fluctuating stock levels, we have given our indicative installation prices for a small range of battery sizes. Our prices include installation. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ *Prices will always depend on model installed and are subject to survey. If you are interested in learning more the funding options for Solar PV or to book in a survey, please click 'Contact Us' and complete the online form and we will be in touch as soon as possible. Battery Storage Size Indicative Price* 3.6kW £3600 5kW £4700 8.2kW £5830 10kW £6220 Contact Us

  • Infrared Heating Panels | ECO Simplified Limit

    iHelios Infrared Panels iHelios Infrared Heating Panel Images2 iHelios Infrared Heating Panel Images3 iHelios Infrared Heating Panel Images1 iHelios Infrared Heating Panel Images2 1/3 Feel cosy and comfortable with infrared heater panels. The infrared heater panels from iHelios are slim and save space. Infrared panels use radiant heat to warm the room evenly creating a comfortable, natural feeling of warmth. ​ Instead of directly heating the air in a room, our infrared panels heat the walls, ceiling and floor evenly which absorbs the heat and gently re-emits the heat back into the room. This is more efficient than conventional heating systems which waste energy by heating large volumes of air. ​ iHelios Infrared Heating Panel details and cost. ​ Below is a table that shows the cost of each iHelios infrared panel size we have available but does not include installation costs. iHelios infrared panels can be installed as a standalone whole house solution to heating your home. If you are looking at mixing the heating film with the Infrared Panels you can find information and pricing for the iHelios Heating Film here . Please take into consideration that once we have completed the survey on your property we will suggest the correct size panels for each room ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ How to buy? They say that every great journey starts with a few steps, and that is no different when buying an iHelios living system. ​ The iHelios range offers a world of options however to navigate your way through to the right conclusion needs some careful thought and consideration. ​ Consultation. Every project is different and there is always much to discuss. Our initial consultation is designed to understand your project, big or small, and what you want to achieve. You may have lots as questions, as will we, so together we will uncover any specific requirements or concerns you have and agree a way forward. Understanding your Property. As an individual who is simply wanting to replace their existing inefficient heating system in their home for an efficient, modern alternative, it is unlikely that you will have beautifully drafted architectural drawings, which of course is fine. We can provide you with some guidance notes so that together we can complete a simple sketch outline of your property, including room dimensions, locations of doors, windows, power points etc. Estimate. Once we have completed your drawings, we will then be able to complete an initial design of your iHelios heating system and any Smart Living products you wish to include in your project. It is important to note that at this stage no technical suitability will have been established, so you will receive an Initial Estimate of the materials and products required, as well as the estimated installation cost. It is important to note this may change. Survey. If you are happy with the initial estimate, the next stage is to arrange a no obligation technical survey to ensure that the iHelios heating system will be suitable for your property, together with any smart devices you require. Once the technical survey is completed we will confirm the system design and provide you with a quotation for the installation work required. Confirmation. Now that you know what the installation costs are, and you are happy to proceed, we provide raise an invoice for payment. Once paid, we will organise the installation of the iHelios system. Installation. On the day of installation make sure any areas have been cleared if already agreed. Once completed the installer will give you a workmanship warranty to cover any issues with the installation. All installers that we use are fully accredited and trained on the iHelios system. Programming. When we are notified that your system has been installed, we contact you to complete the set-up and program schedule of your system. You will then receive a link to your iHelios Management APP. Completion. Now that your system has installed and working perfectly, you will receive an email providing you the login details to your iHelios Account. Here you can view you warrant documents, system specification, design, and operation manuals. Aftercare. If you have any questions or issues have installation, please initially contact iHelios for questions or complaints regarding the system or the installer for questions regarding the installation. If you do not feel your questions or complaints are being fully understood or actioned, please contact Eco Simplified and we will step in and support you until you have an acceptable answer or resolution. Reviews. We always appreciate feedback and whether it is good or bad we will always use the feedback to make our service better. ​ If you are interested in learning more about the iHelios heating film or to book in a survey, please click 'Contact Us' and complete the online form and we will be in touch as soon as possible. Model Body Size Warrantycertification Rated Power Price iHelios P350 595 x 595 x 25mm 5 Years (CE, RoHS) 350W £250 iHelios P450 705 x 605 x 25mm 5 Years (CE, RoHS) 450W £270 iHelios P580 1005 x 605 x 25mm 5 Years (CE, RoHS) 580W £335 iHelios P700 1195 x 595 x 25mm 5 Years (CE, RoHS) 700W £380 iHelios P900 1205 x 755 x 25mm 5 Years (CE, RoHS) 900W £440 iHelios P1100 1205 x 905 x 25mm 5 Years (CE, RoHS) 1100W £500 Features: ​ Heating Element: iHelios infrared carbon film Surface Temperature: mainly 75-95℃ Electric Conversion Efficiency: 98 % Surface: Powder coating Alu sheet Frame: frameless Ingress Protection Ration: IP54 Over Heat Protection: Yes On/Off Switch: No (Controlled from Thermostat) Default Cable Length: 1.9m Contact Us

  • IHelios | ECO Simplified Limit

    iHelios The iHelios Radiant heating is a remarkable, wafer-thin heating film that can be discreetly located within suspended or exposed ceilings, under floors or in custom-made wall panels, making it completely invisible to the eye. Its simplicity and smart control capabilities offers numerous benefits to domestic customers as it can be installed across a wide range of property types. ​ In addition to this ultra-modern heating system, we also provide a comprehensive range of Smart products that give you total control over your living or office environment. These not only include heating and hot water management but also lighting, safety, security, automated product monitoring, energy consumption analysis data and fault alert monitoring services. ​ IHelios have developed a genuine “whole-house” solution, with all their products being able to be controlled from a single point iHelios Management APP. ​ Features: Suitable for all projects. The iHelios heating system can be designed and specifically sized to meet you exact heating requirements with no waste or additional costs. Precise Sizing to minimise waste. The range of iHelios films are all supplied by the roll, in the total length required for your project. This enables the installation engineer to precisely cut to size, maximising the efficiency of the system as well as minimising waste Concealed by design . The iHelios system is designed to be hidden away in an exposed/suspended ceiling or in underfloor applications. Bespoke panels. The iHelios system can be designed into bespoke wall or ceiling panels, which look great and negate the need for re-boarding and plastering. ​ Maximise all available space. With the iHelios system there are no unsightly radiators or vents, so you can utilise all available space providing a clear, blank canvas.​ Total control. You can choose how many heating zones you want, by room or floor area. Specially designed thermostats are supplied which can be controlled manually or remotely via the iHelios management APP. The system can be pre-programmed or easily controlled via your phone. Maintenance free saving you £££. Unlike other heating systems on the market, the iHelios system consists of four non-moving components and does not require any maintenance. Easy to install. The iHelios heating system is simple to assemble and install. Safe and healthy. Radiant heat is widely acknowledged to be safe and healthy. It improves air quality by minimising the circulation of dust and allergenic particles, maintains optimum humidity levels and reduces condensation. 20 year warranty . All iHelios heating films have a 20 year manufactures warranty though have a life expectancy of over 40 years. ​ What is the cost of the iHelios heating system? ​ Below is a table that shows the indicative cost of the iHelios system as a standalone whole house solution to heating your home. If you are looking at mixing the heating film with the Infrared Panels you can find the Panel prices here . Please take into consideration that different property floorplans for the same size property can alter the price and the below price assumes that no additional work is required to for example; to add a false ceiling. The below table includes the cost of one room thermostat being fitted but more can be added to the system so that you can control your heating easily in every room of your home. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Heating Controls ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ The iHelios Infrared Heating system is truly amazing, but what makes it so efficient is how it’s controlled. As well as providing a wonderful, ambient heating experience, each room, area or zone, has its own stylish iHelios thermostat which can be controlled manually or via the iHelios Management Hub. ​ Our range of thermostats have been carefully selected for their functionality, quality craftsmanship and finish, providing you with a safe, reliable product, combined with modern contemporary designs. ​ All iHelios thermostats can be controlled manually or via the iHelios Management Hub or APP on a smart phone. There is a myriad of programable control functions to maximize your comfort and significantly reduce energy use and save you money: Wi-Fi enabled 0.50C accuracy keeps temperature within the levels set Data memory if power is disconnected 7 days, six time periods per day, programable settings Geolocational settings for specified postcode automatic on/off of system Integrates with Amazon Echo or Google Home for voice control management All language settings, synchronise time zone, location settings No limit to added rooms and support device sharing Range of colours and finishes Simple touch screen or Wi-Fi operation 5 Year Warranty ​ How to buy? They say that every great journey starts with a few steps, and that is no different when buying an iHelios living system. ​ The iHelios range offers a world of options however to navigate your way through to the right conclusion needs some careful thought and consideration. ​ Consultation. Every project is different and there is always much to discuss. Our initial consultation is designed to understand your project, big or small, and what you want to achieve. You may have lots as questions, as will we, so together we will uncover any specific requirements or concerns you have and agree a way forward. Understanding your Property. As an individual who is simply wanting to replace their existing inefficient heating system in their home for an efficient, modern alternative, it is unlikely that you will have beautifully drafted architectural drawings, which of course is fine. We can provide you with some guidance notes so that together we can complete a simple sketch outline of your property, including room dimensions, locations of doors, windows, power points etc. Estimate. Once we have completed your drawings, we will then be able to complete an initial design of your iHelios heating system and any Smart Living products you wish to include in your project. It is important to note that at this stage no technical suitability will have been established, so you will receive an Initial Estimate of the materials and products required, as well as the estimated installation cost. It is important to note this may change. Survey. If you are happy with the initial estimate, the next stage is to arrange a no obligation technical survey to ensure that the iHelios heating system will be suitable for your property, together with any smart devices you require. Once the technical survey is completed we will confirm the system design and provide you with a quotation for the installation work required. Confirmation. Now that you know what the installation costs are, and you are happy to proceed, we will provide an invoice for payment. Once paid, we will organise the installation of the iHelios system. Installation. On the day of installation make sure any areas have been cleared if already agreed. Once completed the installer will give you a workmanship warranty to cover any issues with the installation. All installers that we use are fully accredited and trained on the iHelios system. Programming. When we are notified that your system has been installed, we contact you to complete the set-up and program schedule of your system. You will then receive a link to your iHelios Management APP. Completion. Now that your system has installed and working perfectly, you will receive an email providing you the login details to your iHelios Account. Here you can view you warrant documents, system specification, design, and operation manuals. Aftercare. If you have any questions or issues have installation, please initially contact iHelios for questions or complaints regarding the system or the installer for questions regarding the installation. If you do not feel your questions or complaints are being fully understood or actioned, please contact Eco Simplified and we will step in and support you until you have an acceptable answer or resolution. Reviews . We always appreciate feedback and whether it is good or bad we will always use the feedback to make our service better. ​ If you are interested in learning more about the iHelios heating film or to book in a survey, please click 'Contact Us' and complete the online form and we will be in touch as soon as possible. Property Size (SQ Meter) Property Type Indicative Cost 25 Small Flat £1163.34 50 Large Flat £1926.68 75 Large Flat/Maisonette or Terraced/Semi- Detached House/Bungalow £2690.02 100 Terraced House, Semi-Detached/Detached House or Bungalow £3453.36 125 Semi Detached/Detached House or Bungalow £4216.70 150 Detached House or Bungalow £4980.04 200 Detached House or Bungalow £5743.38 250 Detached House or Bungalow £6506.72 Contact Us

  • Finance | ECO Simplified Limit

    We Have Made Financing Your Renewable Installations Easy! We believe every home should be a green home and are happy to be able to offer a finance option to our offerings. We are pleased to have partnered with Pegasus Finance to provide flexible, affordable finance options to customers wishing to fund a Solar PV or other renewable project. ​ To review the products we offer please click the links below. ​ Solar PV Air Source Heat Pumps iHelios ​ To apply for finance please click the button below and it will take you to the Pegasus Finance website where you can find out more information about the finance options on offer and apply online. ​ We will always check with each customer to make sure they do not qualify for a free scheme before offering our finance option. So before applying for finance, please speak with our team to check that you do not qualify for partial or full funding. Contact Us Finance

  • Solar PV & Battery Storage Package | ECO Simplified Limit

    Solar PV & Battery Storage Package Solar PV panels fitted on their own can provide up to 25% of your electricity needs, depending on the size of the system installed & roof pitch angle and direction it faces. ​ Adding a battery can improve this up to 80%, subject to how efficient your panels are and your electricity usage during the day. ​ We have a new package that will give you Solar PV and battery storage and allow you to have up to 100% of your annual electricity usage at a much lower p/kW rate than currently offered by any energy company. ​ The Package Details ​ We will install both the Solar PV & Battery storage for FREE. Servicing, Maintenance and Monitoring is FREE. If a Panel, the invertor or battery needs to be replaced, it will be done for FREE. We will give you 1000kWh of electricity every year for FREE just for having the system installed and while it is on your property . ​ At this point you can choose to do nothing and just take your 1000kWh of FREE electricity every year while the system is on your property. ​ OR ​ You can purchase electricity at 10p/per kWh, which is fixed for the first 3 years. Can purchase up to 100% of your household needs. After 3 years the price will be at least 50% below the UK standard market rate. ​ Qualifying Criteria ​ Roof space that is suitable for Solar PV that can have a minimum of 2.5kW installed. This is around 6 or 7 panels. The suitable roof space DOES NOT face North. Smart meter needs to be installed before the installation of the battery storage. ​ No other criteria, available to all domestic customers in England, Scotland & Wales. ​ To learn more or to book in your free survey please click below and complete the form or call our office on 0191 3592042 Apply Now

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