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  • Cavity Wall Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    Cavity Wall Insulation About 35% of all heat loss from UK homes is due to un-insulated external walls. If your home was built after the 1930s, the chances are that its external walls are made of two ‘skins’ with a small gap between them. This means they are ‘cavity walls’ and the gap between them can be filled with insulating material to stop the warmth escaping to the outside. ​ A cavity wall can be filled with an insulating material by injecting beads into the wall. This restricts any warmth passing through the wall, reducing the money you spend on heating. ​ You can check your wall type by looking at your brick pattern. If the bricks have an even pattern and are laid lengthways, then the wall is likely to have a cavity. If some of the bricks are laid with the square end facing, the wall is likely to be solid. If the wall is stone, it is likely to be solid. ​ If your home was built within the last 25 years it is likely to been already insulated or possibly partially insulated. The surveyor can check this with a borescope inspection. Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ Can save between £145-£480 a year on your fuel bills depending on property size (Figures from the Energy Saving Trust and assume property is a gas heated home and sized between a flat to a detached home). Walls are normally drilled and then filled from the outside, which minimises disruption and mess. Can be completed in a few hours. Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply for Funding

  • Apply for ECO4 Funding | ECO Simplified Limit

    Zuk edo zure etxeko norbaitek beheko onuren bat eskatzen baduzu, ECO3 beka jasotzeko eskubidea izango duzu. ​ ​ ​ ECO3 beka eskatzea ECO sinplifikatuarekin Jarraian ematen diguzun informazioak DOAKO ECO3 finantzaketarako eskubidea duzula egiaztatzeko eta zure etxebizitzak eskatutako isolamendu eta / edo berokuntza neurrietarako egokitasuna ebaluatzeko aukera emango digu. ​Zure inprimakia jaso ondoren, eskatu duzunean deituko dizugu eta honako hau egingo dugu: ​​ Egiaztatu emandako datuak zuzenak direla. Eztabaidatu ECO3 eskemarako hautagarritasuna, instalatu ditzakezun neurriak (inkestaren menpe) eta ekarpenik behar izanez gero. Mezua bidaliko dizugu (baimena eman baduzu) zein instalazio-enpresa harremanetan jarriko den zurekin eta haien harremanetarako datuak jakinarazteko. Inkesta egiteko ordua eta data antolatuko dituzte eta bai zu eta bai pozik bazaude instalatzeko data. Instalazioa egin aurretik edozein unetan bertan behera utzi dezakezu zuretzako KOSTURIK GABE. Azkenean, zure datuak tratatuko ditugula espero genukeen moduan tratatuko ditugu. ICO erregistratuta gaude eta zure datuak zure etxeko eraginkortasunaren hobekuntzarako finantzaketa lortzeko soilik erabiltzen ditugu. Zer instalatu daiteke ECO3 eskeman? Beheko neurri guztiak (Gas-galdararen ordezko bat izan ezik - Etxejabeek bakarrik) eskuragarri dituzte Etxebizitzen Jabeek eta Maizterrek. Halaber, LA Flex-en bidez sailkatzea posible da. ​ LA Flex-i buruzko xehetasun gehiago nahi izanez gero, egin klik azpian Anchor 1 Izena Helbidea Posta kodea Posta elektronikoa Mugikorra Jaioteguna Zure jabetzako logela kopurua Jabetza mota Mesedez, berretsi jabetzaren jabea zaren ala ez Please confirm which of the qualifying benefits you receive Mesedez, berretsi uneko berokuntza mota nagusia Mesedez, berretsi uneko berokuntza erregai nagusia zure etxebizitzan Mesedez, adierazi zein berokuntza eta / edo isolamendu mota interesatzen zaizun. First Time Central Heating - Air Source Heat Pump Solar PV (Property must already be heated by electric heating or will be after project finished) Biltegiratze elektrikoaren berokuntza berritzea Ordezko gas galdara (zure etxea izan behar du) Lehen aldiz berokuntza zentrala Barrunbe hormako isolamendua Loft isolamendua Teilatuan gela Barruko hormako isolamendua Lurzoruaren isolamendua Teilatu lauko isolamendua Egun berean inprimaki bat bidaltzen duten guztiei deitzea dugu helburu, baina ulertzea agian ez dela beti komenigarria izango. Mesedez, hautatu beheko denbora onena gure taldeko batek zure eskaerari buruz eztabaidatzeko deia egiteko. Edonoiz (ASAP) Astelehena - Ostirala 12: 00ak baino lehen Astelehena - Ostirala 12: 00-16: 00 Astelehenetik ostiralera 16: 00-19: 00 Larunbata 9: 00-12: 00 Larunbata 12: 00-17: 00 We can send you text messages keep you updated with the progress of your installation. Please indicate below if you are happy for us to do this Yes I consent to you sending me a text message to keep me updated on the progress of my installation No I do not give you consent to text me for any reason Please click below to confirm that you have read our privacy policy and terms of use and are happy to go ahead under these terms. I have read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Eskerrik asko zure datuak bidaltzeagatik. Gure taldeko bat harremanetan jarriko da hurrengo urratsak eztabaidatzeko. Bidali

  • Room in Roof Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    Room in Roof Insulation Up to 25% of heat loss in a home can be attributed to an un-insulated roof space. ​ ​ A room-in-roof or attic room is simply defined by the presence of a fixed staircase to access the room and there should be a window Many older properties that were originally built with loft room space or 'room-in-roof' were either not insulated at all or insulated using inadequate materials and techniques when compared to today's building regulations. . ​ By using the latest insulation materials and methods, insulating existing attic rooms means that you can still use the roof space for storage or additional room space if needed while still trapping heat in the property and rooms below. ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ Can save between £500-£690 a year on your fuel bills depending on property size (Figures from the Energy Saving Trust and assume property is a gas heated home and sized between a Mid-terrace house to a detached home). Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply for Funding

  • Inefficient Gas Boiler Upgrade | ECO Simplified Limit

    Non-Condensing Gas Boiler Upgrade We can offer a gas boiler upgrade if your current boiler is non-condensing and you own the property you currently live in , through the ECO4 scheme. ​ The new boiler will be a more efficient condensing Gas boiler . ​ Non-Condensing Boiler vs Condensing Gas Boilers ​ All new gas boiler installations must be condensing by law, which came into effect in 2005, however there are a small list of exceptions that can still allow a non-condensing boiler to be installed. ​ Only condensing boilers can be installed under the ECO4 scheme. There is no exceptions made under the scheme. ​ All well designed and maintained boilers burn their fuel efficiently, but non-condensing boilers inevitably lose heat in the form of hot gases that escape up the flue. This limits their overall efficiency. Non-condensing boilers may only have an efficiency rating of 70 to 80 per cent , while in old models this figure could be even lower at 50 to 60 per cent . In contrast, condensing boilers have been designed to minimise this heat loss and have an average efficiency of 95% with some models able to achieve 99% efficiency . Condensing boilers feature larger heat exchangers that cool the flue gases before they escape, condensing the water vapour out of them. The temperature of the flue gases during this heat exchange process drops rapidly from approximately 130℃ to 50℃. The condensation formed as a result is what gives the boilers their name, and there can be as much as two litres of it produced every hour. This condensate liquid is drained into a waste water outlet via a condensate pipe. Thanks to this additional heat exchange process, condensing boilers are able to extract virtually all of the heat latent in the flue gases. This additional heat energy is then transferred back into the heating system. The extra efficiency of condensing boilers means they can offer major cost savings and they are also more environmentally friendly, helping you to lower the carbon emissions of your household. ​ Advantages of condensing gas boilers ​ More energy-efficient as they use more of the fuel for usable heat Lower energy bills Use less fuel than non-condensing boilers to produce same amount of heat and hot water Reduced CO2 emissions and carbon footprint ​ How can I tell which type of boiler I have? There are 2 easy ways to check if your boiler is either condensing or non-condensing and you do not have a manual to hand. ​ If the boiler has a white plastic pipe coming out of the bottom of the boiler and then going outside into a drain, it is condensing . You will usually see the condensate pipe on the exterior wall to the boiler. If the flue is white plastic it is condensing . If it the flue is metal, then it is non-condensing . ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. Apply for Funding

  • ECO4 Scheme, Free Gas Boiler Upgrade & Insulation Grants | ECO Simplified

    Home: Welcome Warmer Home with the ECO4 Schem e Free Gas Boiler upgrade, First Time Central Heating, Air Source Heat Pump, Solar PV & Insulation available. Click Apply Now to find out if your qualify! Apply Now Home: Services You are eligible for the ECO4 scheme if you or someone in your home claim qualifying ECO4 Benefit? ​ You can qualify if you rent or own your property (some restrictions apply).​ ​ If you do not claim a qualifying benefit, then you may still qualify if your household income is less than £31,000 or if you or someone in your home suffers from an eligible medical condition. (LA Flex). ​ Just complete our quick and easy application form and we will check if you are eligible. Apply Now The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) is a government energy efficiency scheme that covers England, Scotland & Wales to help reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty. ​ The scheme began in April 2013, and over time it has been amended. The ECO3 scheme closed on 31 March 2022. The latest policy, ECO4, applies to measures completed from 1 April 2022 and will cover a four year period until 31 March 2026. ECO4 Qualifying Benefits: ​ Income based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) Income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Income Support (IS) Pension Credit Guaranteed Credit (PCGC) Pension Credit Savings Credit (PCSC) Working Tax Credit (WTC) Child Tax Credit (CTC) Universal Credit (UC) Housing Benefit Child Benefit (Subject to income - please see below) ​ Single Claimant: Qualifying Maximum Household Income: 1 Child (up to age 18) - £19,900 2 Children (up to age 18) - £24,800 3 Children (up to age 18) - £29,600 4 Children (up to age 18) - £34,500 Member of Couple: Qualifying Maximum Household Income: ​ 1 Child (up to age 18) - £27,500 2 Children (up to age 18) - £32,300 3 Children (up to age 18) - £37,200 4 Children (up to age 18) - £42,000 Heating upgrades available FREE with the ECO4 scheme To learn more about the potential upgrade please click the link below or if you want to go ahead and apply please click 'Apply Now'. ​ Please note: Gas boiler upgrades are only available to customers who own their property. Gas boiler first time central heating can only be installed in properties that have never had a wet central heating system. To have either a gas boiler upgrade or first time central heating your property must have had a gas meter fitted prior to the 1st April 2022 and it must also be present immediately prior to install. Solar PV can only be installed along with an Air source heat pump, Electric storage heaters or in properties where these have already been installed. If you own your home and have old Electric storage heaters you may qualify for new High heat retention Electric storage heaters. If your home has a cavity wall or any roof insulation that is not insulated this will also need to be installed FREE as part of the project. ​ We will assess your property and if there is any additional insulation needed, it will be discussed with you and will be FREE if you qualify through the ECO4 scheme. Gas Boiler Upgrade Learn More Apply Now Gas First Time Central Heating Learn more Apply Now Air Source Heat Pump Learn More Apply Now Electric Storage Heater Upgrade Learn More Apply Now Solar PV Learn More Apply Now Smart Heating Controls Learn More Apply Now Insulation available FREE with the ECO4 scheme To learn more about the Insulation that is available FREE on the ECO4 scheme, please click the link below or if you want to go ahead and apply please click 'Apply Now'. ​ Cavity Wall Insulation Learn More Apply Now Internal Wall Insulation Learn More Apply Now External Wall Insulation Learn More Apply Now Room in Roof Insulation Learn More Apply Now Flat Roof Insulation Learn More Apply Now Loft Insulation Learn More Apply Now Underfloor Insulation Learn More Apply Now Zer gertatzen da finantzaketa eskatu ondoren? ECO3 finantzaketarako eskaera prozesua erraza da. "Aplikatu orain" sakatuta eta gure inprimakia betez gero, zure eskubidea egiaztatzeko eta inkesta eta instalazioa antolatzeko aukera izango dugu. Deitu egingo dizugu eta eman dizkiguzun datuak berretsi eta oraindik aurrera jarraitu nahi duzula. ​ Zure jabegoan instalatu daitekeena eztabaidatuko dugu eta inkesta bat erreserbatuko dugu zuretzat une egokian egiteko. DOAKO Zalantzarik gabe inkesta bat egingo da zure etxebizitzan. ​ Instalazio enpresak zurekin baieztatuko du zer instalatu daitekeen eta beharrezko obra osagarriak estaltzeko ekarpena ordaindu behar duzun ala ez. ​ Instalazioa egin aurretik, edozein unetan bertan behera utzi dezakezu DOAKO. Eskatu Finantzaketa Lana amaitzeko data adostuko da eta sinatzeko tramiteak egongo dira. ​ Lan guztiak pertsona kualifikatuek osatzen dituzte eta aseguruak bermatutako bermearekin estaltzen ditu Home: Contact JARRI GUREKIN HARREMANETAN Bete formularioa bat erabiltzeko interesa baduzu gure instalatzaile zerbitzuen. Commissioners Building, St Thomas 'kalea, 4, Sunderland, SR1 1NW 0191 3592042 Izena Mugikorra Posta elektronikoa Zein Zerbitzu interesatzen zaizu? Bidalketa prozesatzeko laguntza Langileak Aurkezteko Prestakuntza Berunaren sorrera PAS2019 Egiaztapen Laguntza ECO3-ri buruzko informazio osagarria hautagarritasun orria bidali aurretik Zure eskakizunei buruzko informazio osagarria Eskerrik asko zure datuak bidaltzeagatik. Taldeko batek deituko zaitu zure eskakizunak aztertzeko. Bidali

  • ECO4 Scheme | ECO Simplified Limit

    ECO3 eskema Diru sarrera txikienak dituzten etxebizitza ahulenei energia eraginkortasuna hobetzen eta energia fakturak murrizten laguntzeko asmoz sortu zen ECO eskema. ​ Eskemaren finantziazioa guztion energia fakturetatik dator zuzenean Zerga Berdea moduan. ECOren arabera, energia hornitzaile ertainek eta handiek energia eraginkortasunerako neurriak instalatzea finantzatu behar dute Britainia Handiko (Ingalaterra, Eskozia eta Gales) etxeetan. ​ Behartutako hornitzaile bakoitzak etxeko energiaren merkatuan duen partaidetzan oinarritutako helburu orokorra du. ​ 2018ko urrian Gobernuak ECO eskemaren azken bertsioa jarri zuen abian, 'ECO3' eta orain are abantaila gehiago ditu, hau da, inoiz baino jende gehiagok sailkatu ahal izango du. ​ Energiaren Konpainiaren Betebeharra (ECO) eskema OFGEMek kudeatzen duen gobernuaren babesa da. ​ Eskuragarri dauden diru-laguntzek Ingalaterra, Gales eta Eskoziako etxeetako berokuntza motak eta / edo isolamenduak onartzen dituzten kostuak estali edo diruz lagundu dezakete. Zure etxebizitzaren estiloa eta mota ECOren bidez jaso dezakezun finantzaketa kalkulatzeko erabiltzen da, baita etxea berotzen duen erregaia ere. ​ Finantzazio kopurua aurrez zehaztuta dago eta horrek aukeratutako instalazioaren kostua guztiz estaltzen ez badu, ekarpen bat egiteko eska dakizuke. Eskatu Finantzaketa

  • Underfloor Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    Underfloor Insulation When thinking of areas in your home that need insulation, under the floor is not usually the first on the list. However homes with crawl spaces under the downstairs floor can benefit from underfloor insulation. ​ If you live in an older property you may have suspended timber floors. If you experience cold air coming through the floorboards, underfloor insulation will help to keep the property warm in the winter by preventing heat loss, plus it will also help to keep it cool in the warmer months. Underfloor insulation eliminates drafts that may enter via the gaps between the floorboards and ground, making you feel warmer. ​ It is important to NEVER block up air bricks in your wall. They are needed to help ventilate the space under your floor and to stop your floor board rotting. ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ Can save between £50 -£130 a year on your fuel bills depending on property size (Figures from the Energy Saving Trust and assume property is a gas heated home and sized between a Mid-terrace house to a detached home ). Will need to lift the floor boards to fit the insulation. Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply for Funding

  • First Time Central Heating | ECO Simplified Limit

    First Time Central Heating If you currently live in a property that does not have a central heating system, you will be paying more to heat your home than a property with a central heating system. ​ Below are some examples of properties that would be considered to have no central heating system present. ​ Electric room heaters, including direct acting room heaters, fan heaters and inefficient electric storage heaters Gas room heaters Gas fire with back boiler Solid fossil fuel fire with back boiler Direct electric underfloor or ceiling heating (not connected to an electric boiler) Bottled LPG room heating Solid fossil fuel room heaters Wood/biomass room heating Oil room heater No heating at all ​ With the push towards renewable heating, it may become more difficult in the future to have a gas supply fitted at your property. It is certainly the case with heating grants as if you want gas central heating, you must live in a property that has an existing gas supply and meter that has never had central heating installed. ​ ​ The following may be installed as FTCH: ​ Gas Boiler ​Biomass Boiler​ Air Source Heat Pump Ground Source Heat Pump ​ ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ The exact savings depend on what the pre-main heating system was and what has now been installed. This makes it difficult to give a fair bill saving. All properties must have loft or room in roof insulation and cavity or solid wall insulation (if able to be installed) either already present or installed before Gas First Time Central Heating is completed to access ECO4 funding for First Time Central Heating. Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. Apply for Funding

  • Loft Insulation | ECO Simplified Limit

    Loft Insulation Heat from your house rises resulting in about quarter of the heat generated being lost through the roof of an un-insulated home. Insulating the roof space of your home is the simplest, most cost-effective way of saving energy and reducing your heating bills. Insulation should be applied to the loft area to a depth of at least 270mm, both between the joists and above as the joists themselves create a "heat bridge" and transfer heat to the air above. With modern insulating techniques and materials, it's still possible to use the space for storage or as a habitable space with the use of insulated floor panels. ​ Bill savings and things to be aware of: ​ Can save between £500-£690 a year on your fuel bills depending on property size (Figures from the Energy Saving Trust and assume property is a gas heated home and sized between a Mid-terrace house to a detached home). Grant funding is available that can cover the full cost of installation (qualifying criteria apply). ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply for Funding

  • Electric Storage Heaters | ECO Simplified Limit

    Electric Storage Heaters Electric Storage heaters or night storage heaters as they are sometimes called, charge up at night by taking advantage of off-peak electricity rates on Economy 7 & 10 tariffs. Once charged they release their heat during the day. Storage heaters have ceramic or clay bricks in side them which heat up overnight and then this heat is released gradually during the day. ​ Most storage heaters are wall-mounted and will have 2 dials on the top; one for input and the other for output. Newer models will also have digital displays . ​ To operate storage heaters you must set the input in the evening to the expected heat release of the next day. If it is not particularly cold then there is no need to set to maximum as this would waste energy. Most storage heaters will only charge at night time so they can take advantage of the cheaper electricity but some do have a 'boost' button but this would use the more expensive 'day' rate. ​ The output dial is used to regulate how quick the heat is released by the storage heaters, the higher the setting the quicker the heat is released. ​ Modern Storage heaters ​ The latest Electric Storage heaters are much improved on the previous models and can have significant savings on older models. The new modern High heat retention Electric Storage heaters are also smaller and more compact that the older models and you can also purchase 'Solar enabled' Storage heaters that also take advantage of Solar PV during the day. ​ It is possible to have Electric Storage heaters installed under the ECO4 scheme if you own your home and you have older heaters present or if you have no heating, electric room heaters or old electric storage heaters & have Solar PV installed as well then they can be installed in owner occupied or rented properties. ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. Apply for Funding

  • Air Source Heat Pump | ECO Simplified Limit

    Air Source Heat Pump Air source heat pumps (ASHPs) absorb heat from the outside air to heat your home and hot water. They can still extract heat when air temperatures are as low as -15°C. Air source heat pumps need electricity to run, but because they are extracting renewable heat from the environment, the heat output is greater than the electricity input. This makes them an energy efficient method of heating your home. Think of an air source heat pump as a 'reverse fridge'. Heat is absorbed from the outdoor air and is compressed to raise the temperature. This then works to heat your home and hot water. Before thinking about an ASHP you must consider the following : Do you have somewhere to put it? You’ll need a place outside your home where a unit can be fitted to a wall or placed on the ground. It will need plenty of space around it to get a good flow of air. A sunny wall is ideal. The external unit is connected to an internal unit containing circulation pumps and hot water, which is usually smaller than the average boiler. What type of heating system do you have now? Homes without an existing central heating system will require one to be installed for an air source heat pump to work. What fuel will you be replacing? The system is more likely to pay for itself if it’s replacing an expensive system like electric heating. You’re unlikely to save much on your heating bill if you’re switching from mains gas. ​ Air source heat pumps can be installed as one of two varieties: ​ Air-to-Water Heat Pumps: These are the most common in the UK, transferring the heat into water which can then be used for traditional home heating elements. Air-to-Air Heat Pump s: These work with a circulation system to heat the air itself. ​ The main benefit of an air source heat pump is a more energy efficient method of heating your home, due to it producing around 3.5 kW of heat for every 1kW of energy used. This efficiency also brings a great saving on your carbon footprint of between 2,150 to 2,250 kg of carbon a year, compared to an A-rated boiler according to the Energy Saving Trust. Only air to water heat pumps are included in funding schemes. Currently the ECO4 Scheme offer fully funded options, subject to qualifying criteria. To find out what these are follow the link below; ​ ECO4 ​ Air source heat pumps offer a great alternative to LPG gas & oil boilers, electric room heaters and electric storage heaters but to work at their best your home needs to be a well insulated home. ​ If you are looking to spend money on a new heating system but insulation in your home is not up to standard, an air source heat pump would not be a sound investment for the future. ​ Air source heat pumps work best at producing heat at a lower temperature than boilers so if you have an draught proof home this will increase the efficiency. ​ It is also worth keeping in mind that while it is possible that if you are changing from a boiler to an Air source heat pump that you could use the existing pipework and radiators, this is not guaranteed and it is very likely that all will need to be replaced. ​ To check if you are eligible under the ECO4 scheme, please click the button below and complete the online form. ​ Apply Now

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